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Adding a extra subquery to MySQL query

So i have 2 tables, users and messages

users table

uid, username

messages table

mid, senderid, receiverid, message, timestamp

The query i have at the moment is retrieving the uid, username and last timestamp of each chat conversation


IF (messages.senderid = '5e9b95786a71f8.25790415', messages.receiverid, messages.senderid) as uid, 

(SELECT username FROM users WHERE uid = IF (messages.senderid = '5e9b95786a71f8.25790415', messages.receiverid, messages.senderid)) as username, 

MAX(messages.timestamp) as last_timestamp

FROM messages JOIN users ON users.uid = messages.senderid WHERE messages.senderid = '5e9b95786a71f8.25790415' OR messages.receiverid = '5e9b95786a71f8.25790415'


which outputs below

uid | username | last_timestamp
1 | Developer | 1601826378

2 | BetaTester | 1601826301

What i need to add to this query is the message field which is based on the last_timestamp i have in the output.

How can the query be updated to include the extra message field?


  • Try this.

    select A.uid, C.username, B.timestamp, B.message from (SELECT DISTINCT 
    IF (messages.senderid = '5e9b95786a71f8.25790415', messages.receiverid, messages.senderid) as uid,
    MAX(messages.mid) as max_mid
    FROM messages WHERE messages.senderid = '5e9b95786a71f8.25790415' OR messages.receiverid = '5e9b95786a71f8.25790415'
    GROUP BY 1) A join messages B on A.max_mid = B.mid join users C on A.uid = C.uid