I have this Gradle project:
And it should have this dependency (also a Gradle project):
should depend on jtta-core
project (without including)
I made like this for jtta-primitive-lite
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs '../'
dependencies {
//modApi "jtta-core:jtta-core:"
modApi project("jtta-core").projectDir = new File("../jtta-core")
// Also tried new File("../")
//api project(":jtta-core").projectDir = new File("../")
But its searches only inside root directory:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file 'G:\!Modding\jtta-primitive-lite\build.gradle' line: 34
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'jtta-primitive-lite'.
> Project with path 'jtta-core' could not be found in root project 'jtta-primitive-lite'.
I don't know why. If you need additional info, I can get it.
Also i tried to includeBuild("../jtta-core")
but it also doesn't work.
I've tried to mock up an example here. Note that it uses relative paths, not absolute paths, but that shouldn't be a big deal. The layout is:
The settings.gradle
include ':G_modding:jtta-primitive-lite', ':G_modding:jtta-core'
and this build.gradle
in G_modding/jtta-primitive-lite
apply plugin: 'java'
dependencies {
implementation project(":G_modding:jtta-core")
Hopefully that is enough to illustrate the issue? (I don't know your specific goal, so I don't know the precise problem).