I have a Kendo grid in which one column has appointment time. On Grid load I want to select the row which has time closest to the current time.
For Example Kendo grid has four rows and each row has following value in Appointment time column: 09:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:30 AM
and current time is 11:00 AM. Now on page load, the row having time as 11:30 AM should get selected.
If we load the grid on 12:00 AM then the row having 12:30 AM should get selected.
And if we load the grid after 12:30 AM then last row of grid should get selected since it'll be closest to the current time:
My current code to select the row looks as follows:
Kendo Grid ID: dgListView
Kendo Column
field: "ApptTime",
hidden: true,
template: function (dataItem) {
return kendo.toString(dataItem.ApptTime, "hh:mm tt")
attributes: {
ApptTime: "ApptTime"
Function on databound
function SetGridRowSelected(e) {
var objGrid = jQuery_1_9_1('#dgListView');
var row;
var currentDate = new Date();
var time = currentDate.toLocaleTimeString();
var data = objGrid.data("kendoGrid");
row = data.tbody.find(">tr:not(.k-grouping-row)").filter(function (i) {
return (this.cells[18].innerHTML >= time); //18th column in Grid has appointment time
if (objGrid && row.length) {
var scrollContentOffset = grid.find("tbody").offset().top;
var selectContentOffset = data.select().offset().top;
var distance = selectContentOffset - scrollContentOffset;
scrollTop: distance
}, 500);
I'm comparing the 18th column (it has appointment time) with the current time and trying to select the row which is closest to it but comparison is not happening and it's not throwing any error.
See the whole example at this Dojo
The time within a day can be computed using epoch time modulus milliseconds in a day math
date.getTime() % 86400000
As a page is view the current time is always changing, so you will need to possibly change which row is to be selected
setInterval(function() {
// note: nowModel is an observable bound to a displayed element
nowModel.set('now', new Date());
}, 1000);
Selecting the next (forward time) closest to current time requires searching through the data of the grid view.
var seluid;
function select_row_next_closest_by_time() {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var v = grid.dataSource.view();
var msn = nowModel.get('now').getTime() % 86400000;
var minuid="", mindiff = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
// scan the view data to find next nearest time point
for (var index=0; index < v.length; index++) {
var ms = v[index].get('Date').getTime() % 86400000;
var diff = ms - msn;
if (diff < 0) diff += 86400000; // for wrap around
if (diff < mindiff) {
mindiff = diff; // first next closest in time
minuid = v[index].uid;
if (seluid != minuid) {
// change selection
if (seluid) {
seluid = minuid;
Alternate way
Go here for example Dojo
Presuming the grid data is presorted by Date, and all the rows in the grid are for the same day, use .find()
and .indexOf()
methods to determine which row should be selected. Of course the methods use looping behind the scene.
var view = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.view();
nowt = (new Date()).getTime() % 86400000;
pick = view.find(row => (row.Date.getTime() % 86400000) >= nowt),
pickIndex = (pick === undefined) ? view.length-1 : view.indexOf(pick)