I have the following method where the main intentions are to:
The problem is that this method dynamically created the divs and classes. I need to have them available in the document to actually use appendChild, but since they're dynamically created I can't hardcode them onto the document
I've commented where necessary to show what the lines are for.
createChartContainer(chartRef) {
// bring up the grid object
for (var chartDataInTable of this.tableData) {
// if this grid does not have 0 charts
if(chartDataInTable.summary_charts.length != 0) {
// create div
var createDiv = document.createElement('div');
// generate a string I can use as the class name for the newly created div shown above
var randomStringAsClassNames = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
// assign the random string as the className for the newly created div
createDiv.className = 'div_' + randomStringAsClassNames;
// chartClassName is defined as a string in data: () => ....
this.chartClassName = createDiv.className;
// non-negotiable as this shows the details of the created chart
var eChart = chartRef.chartElement;
// select the div that we've just created
var eParent = document.querySelector("." + this.chartClassName + "");
STRUCTURE OF ELEMENTS IN <script> TAG i.e. the Document (Note: I'm using Vue JS) (e.g. where the div should go)
label="Please enter chart name"
console.log(eParent) returns null and we have the following error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
The previous answer I received was that I needed to put it in the document, but how would I go about putting a newly and dynamically created div with a newly and dynamically created class name in the document when I don't know what the class name is?
needs to be DOM Element
that exists. For example, you could call document.querySelector('body')
and get the body, which would then allow you to append to the body
It's difficult to give you a direct solution without seeing the HTML
structure. But in short, the parent element you want to append to needs to be inside the querySelector