Based on the following definition found here
Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the sorted range [first,last) which does not compare less than value. The comparison is done using either operator< for the first version, or comp for the second.
What would be the C equivalent implementation of lower_bound(). I understand that it would be a modification of binary search, but can't seem to quite pinpoint to exact implementation.
int lower_bound(int a[], int lowIndex, int upperIndex, int e);
Sample Case:
int a[]= {2,2, 2, 7 };
lower_bound(a, 0, 1,2) would return 0 --> upperIndex is one beyond the last inclusive index as is the case with C++ signature.
lower_bound(a, 0, 2,1) would return 0.
lower_bound(a, 0, 3,6) would return 3;
lower_bound(a, 0, 4,6) would return 3;
My attempted code is given below:
int low_bound(int low, int high, int e)
if ( low < 0) return 0;
if (low>=high )
if ( e <= a[low] ) return low;
return low+1;
int mid=(low+high)/2;
if ( e> a[mid])
return low_bound(mid+1,high,e);
return low_bound(low,mid,e);
is almost like doing a usual binary search, except:
Yes, it's really that simple. :-)