I have a checkboxgroup which has multiple checkboxes. I have certain checkboxes which needs to look different, either by bold text or colored text ,which wont change irrespective of selection/unselection. I have following code to build checkboxgroup. But I am not able to put style specific to one checkbox, because I dont have access to it. How can I do that
CheckBoxGroup<ReferenceScreenResultAnswer> answersOptionGroup = new CheckBoxGroup<>(question.getText());
List<ReferenceScreenResultAnswer> checkBoxItems = new ArrayList<>();
// this is where i want to put CSS to specific checkbox/values
for (Answer answer : preSelectedAnswer)
ReferenceScreenResultAnswer rsra = new ReferenceScreenResultAnswer();
I can do invidiual checkboxes like
CheckBox cb = new CheckBox();
cb.setCaption("<b> hello </b> there");
But I am not able to access individual checkboxes from CheckBoxGroup. Any idea how to access them
i found the answer:
// css style the pre selected answer, so they look different irrespective
// of their selection
answersOptionGroup.setItemCaptionGenerator(new ItemCaptionGenerator<ReferenceScreenResultAnswer>()
public String apply(ReferenceScreenResultAnswer item)
if (preSelectedAnswer.contains(item.getAnswer()))
return "<strong>" + item.getAnswer().toString() + "</strong>";
return item.getAnswer().toString();