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Formik & Yup: How to validate if the provided date is eighteen years old?

I am working on a form that is made with Formik, Yup, and ReactJS. In the date field, I am trying to validate if the user is 18 years old. I have passed the following as validationSchema paremeter in Formik:

import differenceInYears from "date-fns/differenceInYears";
              .test("dob", "Should be greater than 18", function (value) {
                return differenceInYears(value, new Date()) >= 18;

The name of the formik input field is dob. But it shows the validation error even if I enter a valid date which is 18 years old. So, how to validate it properly?


  • You need to swap the date params:

    differenceInYears(new Date(), new Date(value)) >= 18;

    If you check date-fns docs, the first argument should be the later date.

    Also you need to parse the field value into a Date.