so I am currently trying to make a game in Visual Studio (C#) with MonoGame, but the MPT does not open when I try to double-click the Content file in Content Folder. As I watched pretty recent tutorials, everyone worked with Pipeline and had no problems after using the NuGet. In the Content folder I only got the 'obj' folder and the Content.mgcb file.See How Content File Shows In Project
So yeah, I saw that some people figured it out by right-clicking the file and 'open with...' and then The MonoGame Pipeline Tool option would show up. I heard that there's this thing, MGCB Editor out. Is it a replacement for Pipeline? What should I do to get Pipeline?
PS: I am using the latest version of Mono, 3.8.0
Actually, MonoGame Pipeline Tool is contained into the nuget package dotnet-mgcb-editor.
And so far, The Team has changed to use that one. The old one's instruction is here.
I heard that there's this thing, MGCB Editor out. Is it a replacement for Pipeline? What should I do to get Pipeline?
Yes. It is a replacement for MonoGame Pipeline Tool
now and it is used currently.
Before installing such tool, you should install Net Core 3.1 SDK and it requires that.
To install the tool, you should open CMD to install that package, call these:
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-mgcb-editor
And it will install the tool from the nuget package under
C:\Users\xxx(current user)\.dotnet\tools\mgcb-editor.exe
And you can use it there and also you can call it from CMD directly.
Besides, I think the nuget package MonoGame.Content.Builder.Task is possible and if it does not meet your requirements, you can just ignore it.