I instantiate a list of users in my DOM and then tie their name to the dropdown list. So they are not created until page load. I'm having trouble trying to target the <option>
tag and access it's value.
JS DOM Function
let userDropDownList = userInstantiation.reduce((usersHTML, user) => {
usersHTML += `<option class="nav__div__one__dropdown__choice" value="${user.id}">${user.name}</option>`
return usersHTML;
}, '')
navDivDropdown.innerHTML = userDropDownList
I've tried to loop through the <option>
tags but I'm returning empty an array. My wrapper in my index.html
is <select class="nav__div__one__dropdown" name="users"></select>
I'm attempting to get the value so that I can tye the user.id to the User instance and access those class methods. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
You can do it using onchange
event on the select input like so:
<select onchange="changed(this)"></select>
function changed(option){
Here is a working snippet
let userInstantiation = [{id: 1, name: 'user1'},{id: 2, name: 'user2'}];
let userDropDownList = userInstantiation.reduce((usersHTML, user) =>
usersHTML +=
`<option class="nav__div__one__dropdown__choice" value="${user.id}">${user.name}</option>`
, '')
document.querySelector(".nav__div__one__dropdown").innerHTML = userDropDownList;
function changed(option){
<select class="nav__div__one__dropdown" onchange="changed(this)" name="users"></select>