Page with issue:
JS code on page:
<div class="slider-in-80-104-cm"> </div>
<script>$(".slider-in-80-104-cm").load("/ #products-27")</script>
Load tab content from: - Tab under id #products-27 (see in source code on page)
In is possible add products in TITLE PAGE to bs tabs - see in title page. I Need this products in categories (like 80-104-cm etc.)
I use jquery $load content from title page tabs to certain pages (products categories), but on categories pages is loaded ONLY first 4 products with images, but next products is loaded WITHOUT images.
If i change position of products in shoptet admin, always not displayed image on fifth and next products.
I need change src do data-src, because in certain images shoptet load src, but i need display real images in data-src.
<img src="" data-src="" alt="Ergonomické nosítko Fidella Fusion BABY SIZE - Cubic Lines Rustred" data-micro-image="">
I use many jquery codes from here, but nothing dosen´t function. Thank you.
Try this...
//lets say your image looks like this, give it an id
// <img src="something" id="image"/>
//to give it a data attribute you do this
$('.slider-in-80-104-cm .image img').each(function(){
$(this).attr('src', $(this).attr('data-src'));