I have 15 products in my owl carousel slider and each slider has 5 products so I want to show the pagination number on each slide when click on next or previous pagination number should change but I do not know where I have to chage
I want pagination like below picture
Here is my code
$("#hottest-selling-items .owl-carousel").owlCarousel({
autoplay: false,
autoplayTimeout: 5000,
/*autoplayHoverPause: true,*/
margin: 0,
slideBy: 5,
nav: true,
navText: ["<em class='porto-icon-left-open-big'></em>","<em class='porto-icon-right-open-big'></em>"],
dots: true,
loop: false,
responsive: {
0: {
640: {
768: {
992: {
1200: {
<div class="" id="hottestSellingCount"></div>
$("#hottest-selling-items .owl-carousel").owlCarousel({
autoplay: false,
autoplayTimeout: 5000,
/*autoplayHoverPause: true,*/
margin: 0,
slideBy: 5,
nav: true,
navText: ["<em class='porto-icon-left-open-big'></em>", "<em class='porto-icon-right-open-big'></em>"],
dots: true,
loop: false,
responsive: {
0: {
items: 2
640: {
items: 3
768: {
items: 4
992: {
items: 5
1200: {
items: 5
onInitialized: counter, //When the plugin has initialized.
onTranslated: counter // When the translation of the stage has finished.
function counter(event) {
var element = event.target; // DOM element, in this example .owl-carousel
var items = event.item.count; // Number of items
var item = event.item.index + 1; // Position of the current item
// it loop is true then reset counter from 1
if (item > items) {
item = item - items
$('#hottestSellingCount').html(item + "of" + items)