I'm trying to add the leading zeros to my excel export file but it keeps removing my zeroes.
dteThisDob = rs("dob")
strThisDobYear = year(dteThisDob)
strThisDobMonth = right("0" & month(dteThisDob),2)
strThisDobDay = right("0" & day(dteThisDob),2)
strDob = strThisDobMonth & strThisDobDay & strThisDobYear
This give me the output in excel 3041975. What I'm looking for is 03041975
You can force Excel to not convert strings to numeric values (and by doing so removing the leading zeros) by prefixing them with a TAB character.
strDob = Chr(9) & strThisDobMonth & strThisDobDay & strThisDobYear