I am currently attempting to increment every value in a parameter pack full of std::vector::iterators of some unknown type. I am currently struggling to get my head around how the ...
syntax works. I would have thought to increment every value it would be ++input_starts ...
but that just gives me a compiler error. Here is the entire function for reference:
typename RETURN,
typename ... INPUTS
void thread_instance(std::function<RETURN(INPUTS ...)> function,
typename std::vector<RETURN>::iterator output_start,
typename std::vector<RETURN>::iterator output_end,
INPUTS ... input_starts)
for (; output_start != output_end; ++output_start, ++input_starts ...)
*output_start = function(*input_starts ...);
Replace this:
++input_starts ...
With this:
(++input_starts, ...)
That is a C++17 fold expression (your use case is analogous to the push_back_vec()
example on that page).
Simple demo: https://godbolt.org/z/YoY4b1