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C# How to zoom to cursor location using SkiaSharp control?

I have a 2D map I want to zoom in to based on the cursor X and Y coordinates. Currently I have some working code, but if I move the cursor to a new position after an initial zoom the next zoom is slightly off. I've been trying to figure this out for a while but I can't get my head around the math. Its probably something simple I just can't visualize the right way to do this.

Sample code.

    float ZoomMax = 7f;
    float ZoomMin = 1f;

    private float[] MapPan = new float[] { 0, 0 };
    private float MapScale = 1f;

    protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e)
        var coordinates = panelMap.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);

        if (e.Delta > 0)
            if (MapScale < ZoomMax)
                MapScale += 0.2f;
                ZoomToMouse(coordinates.X, coordinates.Y);
                MapScale = ZoomMax;
        else if (e.Delta < 0)
            if (MapScale > ZoomMin)
                MapScale -= 0.2f;
                ZoomToMouse(coordinates.X, coordinates.Y);
                MapPan[0] = 0;
                MapPan[1] = 0;
                MapScale = ZoomMin;

    private void ZoomToMouse(int x, int y)
        float xScaled = x * MapScale;
        float xScaled = y * MapScale;

        float X = x - xScaled;
        float Y = y - yScaled;

        MapPan[0] = X / MapScale;
        MapPan[1] = Y / MapScale;

    private void map_PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs e)
        SKCanvas skCanvas = e.Surface.Canvas;

        skCanvas.Translate(MapPan[0], MapPan[1]);

        using(SKPaint skPaint = new SKPaint())
            skCanvas.DrawText("Hello", 0, 0, skPaint);


  • This is what I came up with if anyone has a similar problem.

        private float ZoomMax = 7f;
        private float ZoomMin = 1f;
        private PointF MapPan = new PointF(0, 0);
        private float MapScale = 1f;
        protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (FindControlAtCursor(this) != map) { return; }
            var coordinates = map.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);
            float ScrollDelta = e.Delta * 0.002f;
            float prevScale = MapScale;
            MapScale = Clamp(MapScale + ScrollDelta,ZoomMin,ZoomMax);
            ZoomToMouse(coordinates, prevScale);
        public static Control FindControlAtCursor(Form form)
            Point pos = Cursor.Position;
            if (form.Bounds.Contains(pos))
                return FindControlAtPoint(form, form.PointToClient(pos));
            return null;
        public static float Clamp(float value, float min, float max)
            return (value < min) ? min : (value > max) ? max : value;
        private void ZoomToMouse(PointF Mouse, float PreviousScale)
            PointF TranslatedMouse = new PointF((Mouse.X / PreviousScale) - MapPan.X, (Mouse.Y / PreviousScale) - MapPan.Y);
            PointF ScaledMouse = new PointF(TranslatedMouse.X * MapScale, TranslatedMouse.Y * MapScale);
            PointF NewPosition = new PointF((Mouse.X - ScaledMouse.X) / MapScale, (Mouse.Y - ScaledMouse.Y) / MapScale);
            float currentWidth = map.Width * MapScale;
            float currentHeight = map.Height * MapScale;
            float diffX = (currentWidth - map.Width) / MapScale;
            float diffY = (currentHeight - map.Height) / MapScale;
            MapPan.X = Clamp(NewPosition.X, -diffX, 0);
            MapPan.Y = Clamp(NewPosition.Y, -diffY, 0);
        private void map_PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs e)
            SKCanvas skCanvas = e.Surface.Canvas;
            skCanvas.Translate(MapPan.X, MapPan.Y);
            using (SKPaint skPaint = new SKPaint())
                skCanvas.DrawText("Hello", 0, 0, skPaint);