Is it possible to track events using triggers without using Tag Manager?
This is the button:
<a href="" onclick="gtag('event', 'accion', { 'event_category' : 'botonDemo', 'event_label' : 'contacto'});">Accedé a una Demo</a>
The website change its url based on the country you selected, for example: is from Paraguay, is from Uruguay, etc.
So I want to count how many times the button is clicked based on the country. I found out that you can set triggers to activate the event based, for example in this case, if it matches certain url.
I do not have access to Google Tag Manager account to test it, so I was wondering if it is possible to add that logic to the anchor tag itself, but i could not find anything at google developer website.
Thank you
You can get hash in JavaScript:
var url = window.location.href;
var hash_val = url.split("#")[1]
Try this example:
var url = '';
var hash_val = url.split("#")[1];
// result: py
So you can apply this logic to send event to Google Analytics on click in the link in your page.