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How can I add transitions to CSS slider navigation?

I want to make a slider like horizontal navigation using css and html only

I'm using css :target in order to move to the desired target section.

So far so good... see example the below:

body {
  margin: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
.main {
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: flex;
section {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100vw;
  height: 100Vh;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  transition: all .3s;
#section1 {
    background: bisque;
    transform: translateX(calc(0));
#section2 {
    background: #f8cc99;
    transform: translateX(calc(100vw * 1));
#section3 {
    background: #efcfa9;
    transform: translateX(calc(100vw * 2));
#section4 {
    background: #ffe7c9;
    transform: translateX(calc(100vw * 3));
<div class="main">
 <section id="section1">
   <div class="container">
     <h1>Section 1</h1>
   <div class="arrow"><a href="#section2">==></a></div>
 <section id="section2">
   <div class="container">
     <h1>Section 2</h1>
   <div class="arrow"><a href="#section3">==></a></div>
 <section id="section3">
   <div class="container">
     <h1>Section 3</h1>
   <div class="arrow"><a href="#section4">==></a></div>
 <section id="section4">
   <div class="container">
     <h1>Section 4</h1>
   <div class="arrow"><a href="#section1">==></a></div>

Then I would like to add an effect for the transition and I'm trying with transform translate and transition translate but unfortunately I can't manage to make it work properly

See what I mean below:

body {
  margin: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
.main {
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: flex;
section {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100vw;
  height: 100Vh;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  transition: all .3s;
#section1 {
    background: bisque;
    transform: translateX(calc(0));
#section2 {
    background: #f8cc99;
    transform: translateX(calc(100vw * 1));
#section3 {
    background: #efcfa9;
    transform: translateX(calc(100vw * 2));
#section4 {
    background: #ffe7c9;
    transform: translateX(calc(100vw * 3));
#section2:target {
    -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
    -ms-transform: translateX(0);

#section3:target {
    -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
    -ms-transform: translateX(0);

#section4:target {
    -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
    -ms-transform: translateX(0);

<div class="main">
 <section id="section1">
   <div class="container">
     <h1>Section 1</h1>
   <div class="arrow"><a href="#section2">==></a></div>
 <section id="section2">
   <div class="container">
     <h1>Section 2</h1>
   <div class="arrow"><a href="#section3">==></a></div>
 <section id="section3">
   <div class="container">
     <h1>Section 3</h1>
   <div class="arrow"><a href="#section4">==></a></div>
 <section id="section4">
   <div class="container">
     <h1>Section 4</h1>
   <div class="arrow"><a href="#section1">==></a></div>

I can do it with position fixed but I want to keep the horizontal scroll

Any help would be appreciated thanks


  • You can fix this problem by adding scroll-behavior: smooth to your section container. you don't have to add any transitions for it.

    @import url('');
      font-family:'Roboto', sans-serif;
    .main {
      height: 100vh;
      display: flex;
      overflow-x: auto;
      scroll-behavior: smooth;
    section {
      width: 100vw;
      height: 100%;
      transition: all .3s;
      flex-shrink: 0;
      position: relative;
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      flex-direction: column;
      align-items: center;
    section a {
      color: #ffffff;
      text-decoration: none;
      font-size: 18px;
      background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
      padding: 10px 25px;
      border-radius: 50px;
      margin-top: 15px;
    section a:hover {
      color: #ffffff
    h1 {
      color: #ffffff;
    #section1 {
      background: #6200EE;
    #section2 {
      background: #03DAC6;
    #section3 {
      background: #1a1a1a;
    #section4 {
      background: #ff4500;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
          <div class="main">
             <section id="section1">
                <h1>Section 1</h1>
                <a href="#section2">Go to Section 2</a>
             <section id="section2">
                <h1>Section 2</h1>
                <a href="#section3">Go to Section 3</a>
             <section id="section3">
                <h1>Section 3</h1>
                <a href="#section4">Go to Section 4</a>
             <section id="section4">
                <h1>Section 4</h1>
                <a href="#section1">Go to Section 1</a>

    Note: The scroll-behaviour propery supports from the following browser versions:

    browser support

    For more information please visit : CSS scroll-behavior Property