Search code examples

Trying to check for empty value in input

I have an input box that changes another paragraph in my site with JavaScript. It works flawlessly, except for the fact that when I enter nothing in the input, it blanks out the paragraph.

I don't want this to happen. I've tried almost every piece of code I've found online to fix this issue but nothing has worked.

<div class="tasklist">
   <p id="task1" style="color:#d3d3a3">You don't have any tasks.</p>
  const element = document.getElementById("task1");
  var task = document.input["task"].value;
  function getInputValue() {
    let value = document.getElementById("task").value;
    element.innerHTML = (value);
    document.getElementById("task1").style.color = "white";
Enter a task:<br>
<input type="text" id="task" name="task" placeholder="Pay Bills">
<button onclick="getInputValue();" onclick="changeColor()">+ Add</button>


  • <div id="tasklist">
      <p id="msg" style="color:red">You don't have any tasks.</p>
      const element = document.getElementById("msg"); = "none";
      function add() {
        let value = document.getElementById("task").value;
        if (value && value.trim() != "") {
          document.getElementById("task").value = "";
 = "none";
          const taskContainer = document.getElementById('tasklist');
          const task = document.createElement('p');
          task.textContent = value;
        } else {
 = "block";
    Enter a task:<br>
    <input type="text" id="task" name="task" placeholder="Pay Bills">
    <button onclick="add();">+ Add</button>