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Creating human time like It is five minutes to twelve in PHP

I'm but a humble IT student, one of our current projects is to create a clock with PHP, HTML and CSS, that displays time in text that also can say when it's "half past" or "five minutes to" or "quarter past" etc. etc.

Something that would display something along the lines of:

"It is five minutes to twelve"

I am using Notepad++, a local server host and my browser for this.

I have been using what I've learned about very basic stuff like: for, while and if loops, variables, operators in php. That. Is. It.

I did myself a favour and read about associative arrays as i found that, in my mind anyways, this was a nice way to transfer the integers that date(); sends out, to strings associated to those integers with the function foreach();

This is what that would look like:


    date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Oslo'); // Set default time zone
    $time = time(); // API(?) for time
    $clock = date("H:i:s", $time); //create a variable $clock for 24hour(H), minutes(i) and seconds(s) in relation to $time
    echo "<title> $clock </title>"; //set time as page title 
    header("Refresh:0"); //this refreshes the page and honestly is about the worst solution i could find to have page title update as time passes, but it works so whatever
    echo "<h1>$clock</h1> <br>"; //prints time as a h1 with html
    $hour = date("H"); //these three lines assign variables to each of the time functions 
    $minute = date("i");    
    $second = date("s");

    $hisArray = array("One"=>"1", "Two"=>"2", "Three"=>"3", "Four"=>"4", "Five"=>"5", "Six"=>"6", "Seven"=>"7", "Eight"=>"8", "Nine"=>"9", "Ten"=>"10", "Eleven"=>"11", "Twelve"=>"12", "Thirteen"=>"13", "Fourteen"=>"14","Fifteen"=>"15", "Sixteen"=>"16","Seventeen"=>"17", "Eighteen"=>"18", "Nineteen"=>"19", "Twenty"=>"20", "Twenty-one"=>"21", "Twenty-Two"=>"22","Twenty-Three" =>"23", "Twenty-Four" =>"24", "Twenty-Five"=>"25", "Twenty-Six"=>"26", "Twenty-Seven"=>"27", "Twenty-Eight"=>"28", "Twenty-Nine"=>"29", "Thirty"=>"30", "Thirty-One"=>"31", "Thirty-Two"=>"32", "Thirty-Three"=>"33", "Thirty-Four"=>"34", "Thirty-Five"=>"35", "Thirty-Six"=>"36", "Thirty-Seven"=>"37", "Thirty-Eight"=>"38", "Thirty-Nine"=>"39", "Fourty"=>"40", "Fourty-one"=>"41", "Fourty-two"=>"42", "Fourty-three"=>"43", "Fourty-four"=>"44", "Fourty-five"=>"45", "Fourty-six"=>"46", "Fourty-seven"=>"47", "Fourty-eight"=>"48", "Fourty-nine"=>"49", "Fifty"=>"50", "Fifty-one"=>"51", "Fifty-two"=>"52", "Fifty-three"=>"53", "Fifty-four"=>"54", "Fifty-five"=>"55", "Fifty-six"=>"56", "Fifty-seven"=>"57", "Fifty-eight"=>"58", "Fifty-nine"=>"59"); 
//array with numbers needed to convert the integer date(); sends out to a string associated with it. 
    foreach($hisArray as $h => $h_value) { //foreach() splits into two variable from the $hisArray in line 21 ($h is str og $h_value is int)
        if($h_value == $hour){ //this if loop is run if h_value is equal to the current hour, making it so the string version of the current hour number is displayed
            echo "it is $h hours, "; 

This only prints out the current hour of the day, I have, basically identical, code that works for seconds as well. I made this work with minutes too. That being said, i still want the program to know whenever half an hour has passed since the last full hour. So that "it is half past ..." can be printed out.

This is what I am struggling with, I've tried writing some abysmal and likely sacrilegious if...elseif..elseif...elseif code, but I really don't like this approach. And on top of the constantly refreshing page I don't imagine 50 lines of if... statements is going to impact the load time positively when we start using CSS to make things look good.

I would like to hear literally anything that could be of use here, help.

If there is anything about the little bit of script I've showed here that you have an opinion about feel free to tell me about that too :)


  • Is quite a bit to fix it, you definitely don't want to use a ton of if/else's..

    Because the time strings are not in 24 hour clock, I would use h format over H, then the rest is just matching the current minute with the closest time string for that hour, then build the string using the hour, and due to the Its twelve o'clock oddity, it would need to be a template also when its 40 mins past the hour you would need to increment the hour but only if it's not 12, simplez ;p

    This is what i've come up with:

    function humanTime($hour, $min) {
        $times = [
            0 => '%s o\'clock',
            2 => 'couple of mins past %s',
            5 => 'five past %s',
            8 => 'around ten past %s',
            10 => 'ten past %s',
            15 => 'quarter past %s',
            20 => 'twenty past %s',
            25 => 'twenty five past %s',
            27 => 'around half past %s',
            30 => 'half past %s',
            33 => 'around thirty five past %s',
            35 => 'thirty five past %s',
            40 => 'twenty to %s',
            43 => 'around quarter to %s',
            45 => 'quarter to %s',
            47 => 'about ten to %s',
            50 => 'ten to %s',
            53 => 'about five to %s',
            55 => 'five to %s'
        $hourWord = [
        $hour = (int) $hour;
        $min = (int) $min;
        $closest = null;
        foreach ($times as $key => $item) 
            if ($closest === null || abs($min - $closest) > abs($key - $min)) $closest = $key;
        if ($hour === 0) $hour = 12;
        if ($min > 40) $hour = $hour === 12 ? 1 : $hour + 1;
        return sprintf($times[$closest], $hourWord[(int) $hour - 1]);

    Then simply pass in the hour and min (concatenating Its because that could also be optional):

    echo 'It\'s ' . humanTime(date('h'), date('i')).PHP_EOL;

    Test which goes through the entire day:

    Time: 00:00
    It's twelve o'clock
    Time: 00:01
    It's twelve o'clock
    Time: 00:02
    It's couple of mins past twelve
    Time: 00:03
    It's couple of mins past twelve
    Time: 00:04
    It's five past twelve
    Time: 00:05
    It's five past twelve
    Time: 00:06
    It's five past twelve
    Time: 00:07
    It's around ten past twelve
    Time: 00:08
    It's around ten past twelve
    Time: 00:09
    It's around ten past twelve
    Time: 00:10
    It's ten past twelve
    Time: 00:11
    It's ten past twelve
    Time: 00:12
    It's ten past twelve
    Time: 00:13
    It's quarter past twelve
    Time: 00:14
    It's quarter past twelve
    Time: 00:15
    It's quarter past twelve
    Time: 00:16
    It's quarter past twelve
    Time: 00:17
    It's quarter past twelve
    Time: 00:18
    It's twenty past twelve
    Time: 00:19
    It's twenty past twelve
    Time: 00:20
    It's twenty past twelve
    Time: 00:21
    It's twenty past twelve
    Time: 00:22
    It's twenty past twelve
    Time: 00:23
    It's twenty five past twelve
    Time: 00:24
    It's twenty five past twelve
    Time: 00:25
    It's twenty five past twelve
    Time: 00:26
    It's twenty five past twelve
    Time: 00:27
    It's around half past twelve
    Time: 00:28
    It's around half past twelve
    Time: 00:29
    It's half past twelve
    Time: 00:30
    It's half past twelve
    Time: 00:31
    It's half past twelve
    Time: 00:32
    It's around thirty five past twelve
    Time: 00:33
    It's around thirty five past twelve
    Time: 00:34
    It's around thirty five past twelve
    Time: 00:35
    It's thirty five past twelve
    Time: 00:36
    It's thirty five past twelve
    Time: 00:37
    It's thirty five past twelve
    Time: 00:38
    It's twenty to twelve
    Time: 00:39
    It's twenty to twelve
    Time: 00:40
    It's twenty to twelve
    Time: 00:41
    It's twenty to one
    Time: 00:42
    It's around quarter to one
    Time: 00:43
    It's around quarter to one
    Time: 00:44
    It's around quarter to one
    Time: 00:45
    It's quarter to one
    Time: 00:46
    It's quarter to one
    Time: 00:47
    It's about ten to one
    Time: 00:48
    It's about ten to one
    Time: 00:49
    It's ten to one
    Time: 00:50
    It's ten to one
    Time: 00:51
    It's ten to one
    Time: 00:52
    It's about five to one
    Time: 00:53
    It's about five to one
    Time: 00:54
    It's about five to one
    Time: 00:55
    It's five to one
    Time: 00:56
    It's five to one
    Time: 00:57
    It's five to one
    Time: 00:58
    It's five to one
    Time: 00:59
    It's five to one
    Time: 01:00
    It's one o'clock
    Time: 01:01
    It's one o'clock
    Time: 01:02
    It's couple of mins past one
    Time: 01:03
    It's couple of mins past one
    Time: 01:04
    It's five past one
    Time: 01:05
    It's five past one
    Time: 01:06
    It's five past one
    Time: 01:07
    It's around ten past one
    Time: 01:08
    It's around ten past one
    Time: 01:09
    It's around ten past one
    Time: 01:10
    It's ten past one
    Time: 01:11
    It's ten past one
    Time: 01:12
    It's ten past one
    Time: 01:13
    It's quarter past one
    Time: 01:14
    It's quarter past one
    Time: 01:15
    It's quarter past one
    Time: 01:16
    It's quarter past one
    Time: 01:17
    It's quarter past one
    Time: 01:18
    It's twenty past one
    Time: 01:19
    It's twenty past one
    Time: 01:20
    It's twenty past one
    Time: 01:21
    It's twenty past one
    Time: 01:22
    It's twenty past one
    Time: 01:23
    It's twenty five past one
    Time: 01:24
    It's twenty five past one
    Time: 01:25
    It's twenty five past one
    Time: 01:26
    It's twenty five past one
    Time: 01:27
    It's around half past one
    Time: 01:28
    It's around half past one
    Time: 01:29
    It's half past one
    Time: 01:30
    It's half past one
    Time: 01:31
    It's half past one
    Time: 01:32
    It's around thirty five past one
    Time: 01:33
    It's around thirty five past one
    Time: 01:34
    It's around thirty five past one
    Time: 01:35
    It's thirty five past one
    Time: 01:36
    It's thirty five past one
    Time: 01:37
    It's thirty five past one
    Time: 01:38
    It's twenty to one
    Time: 01:39
    It's twenty to one
    Time: 01:40
    It's twenty to one
    Time: 01:41
    It's twenty to two
    Time: 01:42
    It's around quarter to two
    Time: 01:43
    It's around quarter to two
    Time: 01:44
    It's around quarter to two
    Time: 01:45
    It's quarter to two
    Time: 01:46
    It's quarter to two
    Time: 01:47
    It's about ten to two
    Time: 01:48
    It's about ten to two
    Time: 01:49
    It's ten to two
    Time: 01:50
    It's ten to two
    Time: 01:51
    It's ten to two
    Time: 01:52
    It's about five to two
    Time: 01:53
    It's about five to two
    Time: 01:54
    It's about five to two
    Time: 01:55
    It's five to two
    Time: 01:56
    It's five to two
    Time: 01:57
    It's five to two
    Time: 01:58
    It's five to two
    Time: 01:59
    It's five to two
    Time: 02:00
    It's two o'clock
    Time: 02:01
    It's two o'clock
    Time: 02:02
    It's couple of mins past two
    Time: 02:03
    It's couple of mins past two
    Time: 02:04
    It's five past two
    Time: 02:05
    It's five past two
    Time: 02:06
    It's five past two
    Time: 02:07
    It's around ten past two
    Time: 02:08
    It's around ten past two
    Time: 02:09
    It's around ten past two
    Time: 02:10
    It's ten past two
    Time: 02:11
    It's ten past two
    Time: 02:12
    It's ten past two
    Time: 02:13
    It's quarter past two
    Time: 02:14
    It's quarter past two
    Time: 02:15
    It's quarter past two
    Time: 02:16
    It's quarter past two
    Time: 02:17
    It's quarter past two
    Time: 02:18
    It's twenty past two
    Time: 02:19
    It's twenty past two
    Time: 02:20
    It's twenty past two
    Time: 02:21
    It's twenty past two
    Time: 02:22
    It's twenty past two
    Time: 02:23
    It's twenty five past two
    Time: 02:24
    It's twenty five past two
    Time: 02:25
    It's twenty five past two
    Time: 02:26
    It's twenty five past two
    Time: 02:27
    It's around half past two
    Time: 02:28
    It's around half past two
    Time: 02:29
    It's half past two
    Time: 02:30
    It's half past two
    Time: 02:31
    It's half past two
    Time: 02:32
    It's around thirty five past two
    Time: 02:33
    It's around thirty five past two
    Time: 02:34
    It's around thirty five past two
    Time: 02:35
    It's thirty five past two
    Time: 02:36
    It's thirty five past two
    Time: 02:37
    It's thirty five past two
    Time: 02:38
    It's twenty to two
    Time: 02:39
    It's twenty to two
    Time: 02:40
    It's twenty to two
    Time: 02:41
    It's twenty to three
    Time: 02:42
    It's around quarter to three
    Time: 02:43
    It's around quarter to three
    Time: 02:44
    It's around quarter to three
    Time: 02:45
    It's quarter to three
    Time: 02:46
    It's quarter to three
    Time: 02:47
    It's about ten to three
    Time: 02:48
    It's about ten to three
    Time: 02:49
    It's ten to three
    Time: 02:50
    It's ten to three
    Time: 02:51
    It's ten to three
    Time: 02:52
    It's about five to three
    Time: 02:53
    It's about five to three
    Time: 02:54
    It's about five to three
    Time: 02:55
    It's five to three
    Time: 02:56
    It's five to three
    Time: 02:57
    It's five to three
    Time: 02:58
    It's five to three
    Time: 02:59
    It's five to three
    Time: 03:00
    It's three o'clock
    Time: 03:01
    It's three o'clock
    Time: 03:02
    It's couple of mins past three
    Time: 03:03
    It's couple of mins past three
    Time: 03:04
    It's five past three
    Time: 03:05
    It's five past three
    Time: 03:06
    It's five past three
    Time: 03:07
    It's around ten past three
    Time: 03:08
    It's around ten past three
    Time: 03:09
    It's around ten past three
    Time: 03:10
    It's ten past three
    Time: 03:11
    It's ten past three
    Time: 03:12
    It's ten past three
    Time: 03:13
    It's quarter past three
    Time: 03:14
    It's quarter past three
    Time: 03:15
    It's quarter past three
    Time: 03:16
    It's quarter past three
    Time: 03:17
    It's quarter past three
    Time: 03:18
    It's twenty past three
    Time: 03:19
    It's twenty past three
    Time: 03:20
    It's twenty past three
    Time: 03:21
    It's twenty past three
    Time: 03:22
    It's twenty past three
    Time: 03:23
    It's twenty five past three
    Time: 03:24
    It's twenty five past three
    Time: 03:25
    It's twenty five past three
    Time: 03:26
    It's twenty five past three
    Time: 03:27
    It's around half past three
    Time: 03:28
    It's around half past three
    Time: 03:29
    It's half past three
    Time: 03:30
    It's half past three
    Time: 03:31
    It's half past three
    Time: 03:32
    It's around thirty five past three
    Time: 03:33
    It's around thirty five past three
    Time: 03:34
    It's around thirty five past three
    Time: 03:35
    It's thirty five past three
    Time: 03:36
    It's thirty five past three
    Time: 03:37
    It's thirty five past three
    Time: 03:38
    It's twenty to three
    Time: 03:39
    It's twenty to three
    Time: 03:40
    It's twenty to three
    Time: 03:41
    It's twenty to four
    Time: 03:42
    It's around quarter to four
    Time: 03:43
    It's around quarter to four
    Time: 03:44
    It's around quarter to four
    Time: 03:45
    It's quarter to four
    Time: 03:46
    It's quarter to four
    Time: 03:47
    It's about ten to four
    Time: 03:48
    It's about ten to four
    Time: 03:49
    It's ten to four
    Time: 03:50
    It's ten to four
    Time: 03:51
    It's ten to four
    Time: 03:52
    It's about five to four
    Time: 03:53
    It's about five to four
    Time: 03:54
    It's about five to four
    Time: 03:55
    It's five to four
    Time: 03:56
    It's five to four
    Time: 03:57
    It's five to four
    Time: 03:58
    It's five to four
    Time: 03:59
    It's five to four
    Time: 04:00
    It's four o'clock
    Time: 04:01
    It's four o'clock
    Time: 04:02
    It's couple of mins past four
    Time: 04:03
    It's couple of mins past four
    Time: 04:04
    It's five past four
    Time: 04:05
    It's five past four
    Time: 04:06
    It's five past four
    Time: 04:07
    It's around ten past four
    Time: 04:08
    It's around ten past four
    Time: 04:09
    It's around ten past four
    Time: 04:10
    It's ten past four
    Time: 04:11
    It's ten past four
    Time: 04:12
    It's ten past four
    Time: 04:13
    It's quarter past four
    Time: 04:14
    It's quarter past four
    Time: 04:15
    It's quarter past four
    Time: 04:16
    It's quarter past four
    Time: 04:17
    It's quarter past four
    Time: 04:18
    It's twenty past four
    Time: 04:19
    It's twenty past four
    Time: 04:20
    It's twenty past four
    Time: 04:21
    It's twenty past four
    Time: 04:22
    It's twenty past four
    Time: 04:23
    It's twenty five past four
    Time: 04:24
    It's twenty five past four
    Time: 04:25
    It's twenty five past four
    Time: 04:26
    It's twenty five past four
    Time: 04:27
    It's around half past four
    Time: 04:28
    It's around half past four
    Time: 04:29
    It's half past four
    Time: 04:30
    It's half past four
    Time: 04:31
    It's half past four
    Time: 04:32
    It's around thirty five past four
    Time: 04:33
    It's around thirty five past four
    Time: 04:34
    It's around thirty five past four
    Time: 04:35
    It's thirty five past four
    Time: 04:36
    It's thirty five past four
    Time: 04:37
    It's thirty five past four
    Time: 04:38
    It's twenty to four
    Time: 04:39
    It's twenty to four
    Time: 04:40
    It's twenty to four
    Time: 04:41
    It's twenty to five
    Time: 04:42
    It's around quarter to five
    Time: 04:43
    It's around quarter to five
    Time: 04:44
    It's around quarter to five
    Time: 04:45
    It's quarter to five
    Time: 04:46
    It's quarter to five
    Time: 04:47
    It's about ten to five
    Time: 04:48
    It's about ten to five
    Time: 04:49
    It's ten to five
    Time: 04:50
    It's ten to five
    Time: 04:51
    It's ten to five
    Time: 04:52
    It's about five to five
    Time: 04:53
    It's about five to five
    Time: 04:54
    It's about five to five
    Time: 04:55
    It's five to five
    Time: 04:56
    It's five to five
    Time: 04:57
    It's five to five
    Time: 04:58
    It's five to five
    Time: 04:59
    It's five to five
    Time: 05:00
    It's five o'clock
    Time: 05:01
    It's five o'clock
    Time: 05:02
    It's couple of mins past five
    Time: 05:03
    It's couple of mins past five
    Time: 05:04
    It's five past five
    Time: 05:05
    It's five past five
    Time: 05:06
    It's five past five
    Time: 05:07
    It's around ten past five
    Time: 05:08
    It's around ten past five
    Time: 05:09
    It's around ten past five
    Time: 05:10
    It's ten past five
    Time: 05:11
    It's ten past five
    Time: 05:12
    It's ten past five
    Time: 05:13
    It's quarter past five
    Time: 05:14
    It's quarter past five
    Time: 05:15
    It's quarter past five
    Time: 05:16
    It's quarter past five
    Time: 05:17
    It's quarter past five
    Time: 05:18
    It's twenty past five
    Time: 05:19
    It's twenty past five
    Time: 05:20
    It's twenty past five
    Time: 05:21
    It's twenty past five
    Time: 05:22
    It's twenty past five
    Time: 05:23
    It's twenty five past five
    Time: 05:24
    It's twenty five past five
    Time: 05:25
    It's twenty five past five
    Time: 05:26
    It's twenty five past five
    Time: 05:27
    It's around half past five
    Time: 05:28
    It's around half past five
    Time: 05:29
    It's half past five
    Time: 05:30
    It's half past five
    Time: 05:31
    It's half past five
    Time: 05:32
    It's around thirty five past five
    Time: 05:33
    It's around thirty five past five
    Time: 05:34
    It's around thirty five past five
    Time: 05:35
    It's thirty five past five
    Time: 05:36
    It's thirty five past five
    Time: 05:37
    It's thirty five past five
    Time: 05:38
    It's twenty to five
    Time: 05:39
    It's twenty to five
    Time: 05:40
    It's twenty to five
    Time: 05:41
    It's twenty to six
    Time: 05:42
    It's around quarter to six
    Time: 05:43
    It's around quarter to six
    Time: 05:44
    It's around quarter to six
    Time: 05:45
    It's quarter to six
    Time: 05:46
    It's quarter to six
    Time: 05:47
    It's about ten to six
    Time: 05:48
    It's about ten to six
    Time: 05:49
    It's ten to six
    Time: 05:50
    It's ten to six
    Time: 05:51
    It's ten to six
    Time: 05:52
    It's about five to six
    Time: 05:53
    It's about five to six
    Time: 05:54
    It's about five to six
    Time: 05:55
    It's five to six
    Time: 05:56
    It's five to six
    Time: 05:57
    It's five to six
    Time: 05:58
    It's five to six
    Time: 05:59
    It's five to six
    Time: 06:00
    It's six o'clock
    Time: 06:01
    It's six o'clock
    Time: 06:02
    It's couple of mins past six
    Time: 06:03
    It's couple of mins past six
    Time: 06:04
    It's five past six
    Time: 06:05
    It's five past six
    Time: 06:06
    It's five past six
    Time: 06:07
    It's around ten past six
    Time: 06:08
    It's around ten past six
    Time: 06:09
    It's around ten past six
    Time: 06:10
    It's ten past six
    Time: 06:11
    It's ten past six
    Time: 06:12
    It's ten past six
    Time: 06:13
    It's quarter past six
    Time: 06:14
    It's quarter past six
    Time: 06:15
    It's quarter past six
    Time: 06:16
    It's quarter past six
    Time: 06:17
    It's quarter past six
    Time: 06:18
    It's twenty past six
    Time: 06:19
    It's twenty past six
    Time: 06:20
    It's twenty past six
    Time: 06:21
    It's twenty past six
    Time: 06:22
    It's twenty past six
    Time: 06:23
    It's twenty five past six
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    It's twenty five past six
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    It's twenty five past six
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    It's twenty five past six
    Time: 06:27
    It's around half past six
    Time: 06:28
    It's around half past six
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    It's half past six
    Time: 06:30
    It's half past six
    Time: 06:31
    It's half past six
    Time: 06:32
    It's around thirty five past six
    Time: 06:33
    It's around thirty five past six
    Time: 06:34
    It's around thirty five past six
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    It's thirty five past six
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    It's thirty five past six
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    It's thirty five past six
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    It's twenty to six
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    It's twenty to six
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    It's twenty to six
    Time: 06:41
    It's twenty to seven
    Time: 06:42
    It's around quarter to seven
    Time: 06:43
    It's around quarter to seven
    Time: 06:44
    It's around quarter to seven
    Time: 06:45
    It's quarter to seven
    Time: 06:46
    It's quarter to seven
    Time: 06:47
    It's about ten to seven
    Time: 06:48
    It's about ten to seven
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    It's ten to seven
    Time: 06:50
    It's ten to seven
    Time: 06:51
    It's ten to seven
    Time: 06:52
    It's about five to seven
    Time: 06:53
    It's about five to seven
    Time: 06:54
    It's about five to seven
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    It's five to seven
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    It's five to seven
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    It's five to seven
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    It's five to seven
    Time: 06:59
    It's five to seven
    Time: 07:00
    It's seven o'clock
    Time: 07:01
    It's seven o'clock
    Time: 07:02
    It's couple of mins past seven
    Time: 07:03
    It's couple of mins past seven
    Time: 07:04
    It's five past seven
    Time: 07:05
    It's five past seven
    Time: 07:06
    It's five past seven
    Time: 07:07
    It's around ten past seven
    Time: 07:08
    It's around ten past seven
    Time: 07:09
    It's around ten past seven
    Time: 07:10
    It's ten past seven
    Time: 07:11
    It's ten past seven
    Time: 07:12
    It's ten past seven
    Time: 07:13
    It's quarter past seven
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    It's quarter past seven
    Time: 07:15
    It's quarter past seven
    Time: 07:16
    It's quarter past seven
    Time: 07:17
    It's quarter past seven
    Time: 07:18
    It's twenty past seven
    Time: 07:19
    It's twenty past seven
    Time: 07:20
    It's twenty past seven
    Time: 07:21
    It's twenty past seven
    Time: 07:22
    It's twenty past seven
    Time: 07:23
    It's twenty five past seven
    Time: 07:24
    It's twenty five past seven
    Time: 07:25
    It's twenty five past seven
    Time: 07:26
    It's twenty five past seven
    Time: 07:27
    It's around half past seven
    Time: 07:28
    It's around half past seven
    Time: 07:29
    It's half past seven
    Time: 07:30
    It's half past seven
    Time: 07:31
    It's half past seven
    Time: 07:32
    It's around thirty five past seven
    Time: 07:33
    It's around thirty five past seven
    Time: 07:34
    It's around thirty five past seven
    Time: 07:35
    It's thirty five past seven
    Time: 07:36
    It's thirty five past seven
    Time: 07:37
    It's thirty five past seven
    Time: 07:38
    It's twenty to seven
    Time: 07:39
    It's twenty to seven
    Time: 07:40
    It's twenty to seven
    Time: 07:41
    It's twenty to eight
    Time: 07:42
    It's around quarter to eight
    Time: 07:43
    It's around quarter to eight
    Time: 07:44
    It's around quarter to eight
    Time: 07:45
    It's quarter to eight
    Time: 07:46
    It's quarter to eight
    Time: 07:47
    It's about ten to eight
    Time: 07:48
    It's about ten to eight
    Time: 07:49
    It's ten to eight
    Time: 07:50
    It's ten to eight
    Time: 07:51
    It's ten to eight
    Time: 07:52
    It's about five to eight
    Time: 07:53
    It's about five to eight
    Time: 07:54
    It's about five to eight
    Time: 07:55
    It's five to eight
    Time: 07:56
    It's five to eight
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    It's five to eight
    Time: 07:58
    It's five to eight
    Time: 07:59
    It's five to eight
    Time: 08:00
    It's eight o'clock
    Time: 08:01
    It's eight o'clock
    Time: 08:02
    It's couple of mins past eight
    Time: 08:03
    It's couple of mins past eight
    Time: 08:04
    It's five past eight
    Time: 08:05
    It's five past eight
    Time: 08:06
    It's five past eight
    Time: 08:07
    It's around ten past eight
    Time: 08:08
    It's around ten past eight
    Time: 08:09
    It's around ten past eight
    Time: 08:10
    It's ten past eight
    Time: 08:11
    It's ten past eight
    Time: 08:12
    It's ten past eight
    Time: 08:13
    It's quarter past eight
    Time: 08:14
    It's quarter past eight
    Time: 08:15
    It's quarter past eight
    Time: 08:16
    It's quarter past eight
    Time: 08:17
    It's quarter past eight
    Time: 08:18
    It's twenty past eight
    Time: 08:19
    It's twenty past eight
    Time: 08:20
    It's twenty past eight
    Time: 08:21
    It's twenty past eight
    Time: 08:22
    It's twenty past eight
    Time: 08:23
    It's twenty five past eight
    Time: 08:24
    It's twenty five past eight
    Time: 08:25
    It's twenty five past eight
    Time: 08:26
    It's twenty five past eight
    Time: 08:27
    It's around half past eight
    Time: 08:28
    It's around half past eight
    Time: 08:29
    It's half past eight
    Time: 08:30
    It's half past eight
    Time: 08:31
    It's half past eight
    Time: 08:32
    It's around thirty five past eight
    Time: 08:33
    It's around thirty five past eight
    Time: 08:34
    It's around thirty five past eight
    Time: 08:35
    It's thirty five past eight
    Time: 08:36
    It's thirty five past eight
    Time: 08:37
    It's thirty five past eight
    Time: 08:38
    It's twenty to eight
    Time: 08:39
    It's twenty to eight
    Time: 08:40
    It's twenty to eight
    Time: 08:41
    It's twenty to nine
    Time: 08:42
    It's around quarter to nine
    Time: 08:43
    It's around quarter to nine
    Time: 08:44
    It's around quarter to nine
    Time: 08:45
    It's quarter to nine
    Time: 08:46
    It's quarter to nine
    Time: 08:47
    It's about ten to nine
    Time: 08:48
    It's about ten to nine
    Time: 08:49
    It's ten to nine
    Time: 08:50
    It's ten to nine
    Time: 08:51
    It's ten to nine
    Time: 08:52
    It's about five to nine
    Time: 08:53
    It's about five to nine
    Time: 08:54
    It's about five to nine
    Time: 08:55
    It's five to nine
    Time: 08:56
    It's five to nine
    Time: 08:57
    It's five to nine
    Time: 08:58
    It's five to nine
    Time: 08:59
    It's five to nine
    Time: 09:00
    It's nine o'clock
    Time: 09:01
    It's nine o'clock
    Time: 09:02
    It's couple of mins past nine
    Time: 09:03
    It's couple of mins past nine
    Time: 09:04
    It's five past nine
    Time: 09:05
    It's five past nine
    Time: 09:06
    It's five past nine
    Time: 09:07
    It's around ten past nine
    Time: 09:08
    It's around ten past nine
    Time: 09:09
    It's around ten past nine
    Time: 09:10
    It's ten past nine
    Time: 09:11
    It's ten past nine
    Time: 09:12
    It's ten past nine
    Time: 09:13
    It's quarter past nine
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    It's quarter past nine
    Time: 09:15
    It's quarter past nine
    Time: 09:16
    It's quarter past nine
    Time: 09:17
    It's quarter past nine
    Time: 09:18
    It's twenty past nine
    Time: 09:19
    It's twenty past nine
    Time: 09:20
    It's twenty past nine
    Time: 09:21
    It's twenty past nine
    Time: 09:22
    It's twenty past nine
    Time: 09:23
    It's twenty five past nine
    Time: 09:24
    It's twenty five past nine
    Time: 09:25
    It's twenty five past nine
    Time: 09:26
    It's twenty five past nine
    Time: 09:27
    It's around half past nine
    Time: 09:28
    It's around half past nine
    Time: 09:29
    It's half past nine
    Time: 09:30
    It's half past nine
    Time: 09:31
    It's half past nine
    Time: 09:32
    It's around thirty five past nine
    Time: 09:33
    It's around thirty five past nine
    Time: 09:34
    It's around thirty five past nine
    Time: 09:35
    It's thirty five past nine
    Time: 09:36
    It's thirty five past nine
    Time: 09:37
    It's thirty five past nine
    Time: 09:38
    It's twenty to nine
    Time: 09:39
    It's twenty to nine
    Time: 09:40
    It's twenty to nine
    Time: 09:41
    It's twenty to ten
    Time: 09:42
    It's around quarter to ten
    Time: 09:43
    It's around quarter to ten
    Time: 09:44
    It's around quarter to ten
    Time: 09:45
    It's quarter to ten
    Time: 09:46
    It's quarter to ten
    Time: 09:47
    It's about ten to ten
    Time: 09:48
    It's about ten to ten
    Time: 09:49
    It's ten to ten
    Time: 09:50
    It's ten to ten
    Time: 09:51
    It's ten to ten
    Time: 09:52
    It's about five to ten
    Time: 09:53
    It's about five to ten
    Time: 09:54
    It's about five to ten
    Time: 09:55
    It's five to ten
    Time: 09:56
    It's five to ten
    Time: 09:57
    It's five to ten
    Time: 09:58
    It's five to ten
    Time: 09:59
    It's five to ten
    Time: 10:00
    It's ten o'clock
    Time: 10:01
    It's ten o'clock
    Time: 10:02
    It's couple of mins past ten
    Time: 10:03
    It's couple of mins past ten
    Time: 10:04
    It's five past ten
    Time: 10:05
    It's five past ten
    Time: 10:06
    It's five past ten
    Time: 10:07
    It's around ten past ten
    Time: 10:08
    It's around ten past ten
    Time: 10:09
    It's around ten past ten
    Time: 10:10
    It's ten past ten
    Time: 10:11
    It's ten past ten
    Time: 10:12
    It's ten past ten
    Time: 10:13
    It's quarter past ten
    Time: 10:14
    It's quarter past ten
    Time: 10:15
    It's quarter past ten
    Time: 10:16
    It's quarter past ten
    Time: 10:17
    It's quarter past ten
    Time: 10:18
    It's twenty past ten
    Time: 10:19
    It's twenty past ten
    Time: 10:20
    It's twenty past ten
    Time: 10:21
    It's twenty past ten
    Time: 10:22
    It's twenty past ten
    Time: 10:23
    It's twenty five past ten
    Time: 10:24
    It's twenty five past ten
    Time: 10:25
    It's twenty five past ten
    Time: 10:26
    It's twenty five past ten
    Time: 10:27
    It's around half past ten
    Time: 10:28
    It's around half past ten
    Time: 10:29
    It's half past ten
    Time: 10:30
    It's half past ten
    Time: 10:31
    It's half past ten
    Time: 10:32
    It's around thirty five past ten
    Time: 10:33
    It's around thirty five past ten
    Time: 10:34
    It's around thirty five past ten
    Time: 10:35
    It's thirty five past ten
    Time: 10:36
    It's thirty five past ten
    Time: 10:37
    It's thirty five past ten
    Time: 10:38
    It's twenty to ten
    Time: 10:39
    It's twenty to ten
    Time: 10:40
    It's twenty to ten
    Time: 10:41
    It's twenty to eleven
    Time: 10:42
    It's around quarter to eleven
    Time: 10:43
    It's around quarter to eleven
    Time: 10:44
    It's around quarter to eleven
    Time: 10:45
    It's quarter to eleven
    Time: 10:46
    It's quarter to eleven
    Time: 10:47
    It's about ten to eleven
    Time: 10:48
    It's about ten to eleven
    Time: 10:49
    It's ten to eleven
    Time: 10:50
    It's ten to eleven
    Time: 10:51
    It's ten to eleven
    Time: 10:52
    It's about five to eleven
    Time: 10:53
    It's about five to eleven
    Time: 10:54
    It's about five to eleven
    Time: 10:55
    It's five to eleven
    Time: 10:56
    It's five to eleven
    Time: 10:57
    It's five to eleven
    Time: 10:58
    It's five to eleven
    Time: 10:59
    It's five to eleven
    Time: 11:00
    It's eleven o'clock
    Time: 11:01
    It's eleven o'clock
    Time: 11:02
    It's couple of mins past eleven
    Time: 11:03
    It's couple of mins past eleven
    Time: 11:04
    It's five past eleven
    Time: 11:05
    It's five past eleven
    Time: 11:06
    It's five past eleven
    Time: 11:07
    It's around ten past eleven
    Time: 11:08
    It's around ten past eleven
    Time: 11:09
    It's around ten past eleven
    Time: 11:10
    It's ten past eleven
    Time: 11:11
    It's ten past eleven
    Time: 11:12
    It's ten past eleven
    Time: 11:13
    It's quarter past eleven
    Time: 11:14
    It's quarter past eleven
    Time: 11:15
    It's quarter past eleven
    Time: 11:16
    It's quarter past eleven
    Time: 11:17
    It's quarter past eleven
    Time: 11:18
    It's twenty past eleven
    Time: 11:19
    It's twenty past eleven
    Time: 11:20
    It's twenty past eleven
    Time: 11:21
    It's twenty past eleven
    Time: 11:22
    It's twenty past eleven
    Time: 11:23
    It's twenty five past eleven
    Time: 11:24
    It's twenty five past eleven
    Time: 11:25
    It's twenty five past eleven
    Time: 11:26
    It's twenty five past eleven
    Time: 11:27
    It's around half past eleven
    Time: 11:28
    It's around half past eleven
    Time: 11:29
    It's half past eleven
    Time: 11:30
    It's half past eleven
    Time: 11:31
    It's half past eleven
    Time: 11:32
    It's around thirty five past eleven
    Time: 11:33
    It's around thirty five past eleven
    Time: 11:34
    It's around thirty five past eleven
    Time: 11:35
    It's thirty five past eleven
    Time: 11:36
    It's thirty five past eleven
    Time: 11:37
    It's thirty five past eleven
    Time: 11:38
    It's twenty to eleven
    Time: 11:39
    It's twenty to eleven
    Time: 11:40
    It's twenty to eleven
    Time: 11:41
    It's twenty to twelve
    Time: 11:42
    It's around quarter to twelve
    Time: 11:43
    It's around quarter to twelve
    Time: 11:44
    It's around quarter to twelve
    Time: 11:45
    It's quarter to twelve
    Time: 11:46
    It's quarter to twelve
    Time: 11:47
    It's about ten to twelve
    Time: 11:48
    It's about ten to twelve
    Time: 11:49
    It's ten to twelve
    Time: 11:50
    It's ten to twelve
    Time: 11:51
    It's ten to twelve
    Time: 11:52
    It's about five to twelve
    Time: 11:53
    It's about five to twelve
    Time: 11:54
    It's about five to twelve
    Time: 11:55
    It's five to twelve
    Time: 11:56
    It's five to twelve
    Time: 11:57
    It's five to twelve
    Time: 11:58
    It's five to twelve
    Time: 11:59
    It's five to twelve