the following code causes my test function to fail when running:
from hypothesis import given, example
import hypothesis.strategies as st
import unittest
class SomeObject():
def __init__(self, symbol, value):
self.__symbol = symbol
self.__value = value
def sheet_names(draw, cnt=1, cnt_min_value=0):
if (not cnt):
cnt = draw(st.integers(min_value=cnt_min_value, max_value=3))
return (cnt, draw(st.lists(st.text(min_size=1).filter(lambda x: '\n' not in x), min_size=cnt, max_size=cnt, unique=True)))
def get_objects(draw, min_cnt=0):
cnt = draw(st.integers(min_value=min_cnt, max_value=3))
symbols = draw(st.lists(st.text(min_size=1), min_size=cnt, max_size=cnt, unique=True))
values = draw(st.lists(st.one_of(st.integers(), st.floats(allow_nan=False), st.text()), min_size=cnt, max_size=cnt))
objects = list()
for i in range(len(symbols)):
objects.append(SomeObject(symbols[i], values[i]))
return objects
class TestClass(unittest.TestCase):
@given(sheet_names=sheet_names(cnt=False, cnt_min_value=1), specs=get_objects(min_cnt=1))
@example(sheet_names=sheet_names(cnt=2), specs=get_objects(min_cnt=1))
def test_example(self, sheet_names, specs):
for i in range(len(sheet_names)):
The error message is:
TypeError: object of type 'LazyStrategy' has no len()
and occurs in function test_example (in the for-loop). If I remove the @example-line the code runs without any problem but I cannot be sure that the case mentioned in the @example has been covered.
Question: How can I on the one hand side write a generic test (for which I need the len-function) and at the same time name explicit examples for hypothesis?
As Azat Ibrakov says, your problem is that the @example
decorator takes values, not strategies. For example:
# Bad - strategies don't work here!
@example(sheet_names=sheet_names(cnt=2), specs=get_objects(min_cnt=1))
# Good - passing values which could be generated.
sheet_names=(2, ["sheet1", "sheet2]),
specs=[<SomeObject ...>, <SomeObject ...>, <SomeObject ...>]
Hypothesis added an explicit warning about strategies-in-@example
in version 5.36.1.