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How to generate test samples with Hypothesis directly from dataclasses?

I have lets say two dataclasses where one is used inside the other like this :

class SensorModel:
    sensor_id: int
    type: str 
    health_status: bool 

class SamplingModel:
    trigger: str
    priority: str = field(init=False)
    time: datetime
    sensors: List[SensorModel]

how can I use hypothesis to generate sample for my testing from this?

I have found in the docs that hypothesis strategies support dataclasses natively hypothesis but no examples ANYWHERE about how to do it in a simple case like the one described.


  • Ok so I found an answer, its turns out it is really simple you can use the from_type generator from_type documentation

    In the simple example I described above one could do something like

    from hypothesis import given
    from hypothesis.strategies import from_type
    class SensorModel:
        sensor_id: int
        type: str 
        health_status: bool 
    class SamplingModel:
        trigger: str
        priority: str = field(init=False)
        time: datetime
        sensors: List[SensorModel]
    def test_samples(sample):
        assert sample.trigger == sample.trigger #point-less test replace with your logic