I have an array with Field Names and jdbc Type codes. (Those int codes that you can find in
I use a level 4 Driver.
I can't figure out how to ask the driver for the corresponding SQL (DDL) Type names. It would be useful in jdbc and in native dialects.
I have
(CustomerId, 1)
(CustomerName, -8)
and I want
(customerId, INT) (customerId, VARCHAR(200))
Where can I find functions that help me with that? I am using jdbc in jython via zxJDBC, so I can use all java and python DB API 2.0 functionality.
You seem to be using some JDBC metadata methods you have not posted. I believe what you are seeing is the name of the column along with the JDBC type constant from which you can derive the column type. Have a look at the java.sql API to read more on how to get more meta data.