I am using Formik for form validation in React application. Parent component (Users) - displays list of users. If we select any user, details of the user will be displayed in another component to the right side in a form. The child component (UserDetails) displays the details of the selected user. All the details are displayed in textboxes in child component, which we can change and update the details(Here I am using FORMIK to validate fields before updating).
I have a scenario where when someone modifies the details in the form and clicks on another user without updating previous edits. In such cases I want to show a prompt stating that "unsaved changes will be lost"
Doesn't look like there's a prop on <Formik/>
to be notified of changes. From looking at the API, you could store a flag on Users
that is toggled on any change from the currently presented form:
// Users
function Users() {
const [edited, setEdited] = useState(false);
const [active, setActive] = useState();
return (
<UsersList onSelect={(user) => {
if (edited) {
// Notify user of unsaved changes
} else {
<UserDetails user={active} onEdit={() => setEdited(true)}/>
// UserDetails
function UserDetails({ onEdit }) {
return (
{props => (
<input onChange={(evt) => {
onEdit(); // Notify parent component of an edit