I have three tables that look like this,
id | FName | Lname | Email
1 | Bob | Jim | [email protected]
2 | Smith | Jane | [email protected]
3 | John | Smith | [email protected]
id | description | Title | Postuser
1 | A large content | A simple title | 2
2 | Small Content |complex title | 1
id | Content | Commentuser | CommentPost
1 | A large content | 2 |2
2 | Small Content | 1 |2
User ID is referenced by both Commentuser and Postuser. Post id is referenced by commentPost
For my select statement, I need to give the 2nd post's title, content, and the authors first name, the authors last name, and the authors email address for that post as well as any comments content made on the post with the comments authors first, last name, and email address, resulting in 2 rows
The user for the post is different than the user for the comment, so how would I select both to give both first and last names? The other chained joins I have seen on here do not cover this type of thing because there are 3 tables. I was given the skeleton code of
Select Post.Content, ...
FROM User,...,User AS Author
WHERE ... AND Author.id = ...;
EDIT: expected result
|Content | Title | PostFName | PostLname | PostEmail | Comment Content| Comment Firstname|comment Lastname|
| Small Content |complex title | Bob | Jim | [email protected]| A large content| Smith | Jane |
| Small Content |complex title | Bob | Jim | [email protected]| A small content| John | Smith |
You can join the user table multiple times; you just need to use aliases to avoid ambiguity:
select p.description, p.title,
pu.fname postfname, pu.lname postlname, pu.email postemail,
c.content commentcontent,
cu.fname commentfname, cu.lname commentlname, cu.email commentemail
from post p
inner join user pu on pu.id = p.postuser
inner join comments c on c.commentpost = p.id
inner join user cu on cu.id = c.commentuser