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Puppet: how to remove a directory and everything in it

I'm sure this is really simple, but I cannot work it out.

I want to delete the directory C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\ My attempts thus far have managed to remove everything inside the directory, but I can't work out how to remove the actual directory.

I did think about going up a level, but that would mean that when I copy across the new version of this module (2.2.5), on the next run, Puppet will delete it.

Here are my two attempts:

file resource

file { "${modules_path}/PowerShellGet/" :
  ensure  => directory,
  recurse => true,
  purge   => true,
  force   => true,

tidy resource

tidy { "${modules_path}/PowerShellGet/" :
  age     => 0,
  recurse => true,
  rmdirs  => true,



  • Try it like this:

    file { "${modules_path}/PowerShellGet/" :
      ensure  => absent,
      recurse => true,
      force   => true,