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Puppet Unknown variable: 'osfamily' on Rocky 9

I am seeing the following error...

Error: Evaluation Error: Unknown variable: 'osfamily'. (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/print_text.pp, line: 1, column: 4) on node

...when attempting to run a manifest on the Puppet Server...

puppet apply /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/print_text.pp

The manifest is:

if $osfamily == 'RedHat' {
   notice("A test message")

The following returns results...

puppet facts osfamily

  "osfamily": "RedHat"
} does the following:

facter osfamily


The Puppet Server is:

  • OS: Rocky version 9
  • Family: RedHat
  • Puppet version: 8.5.0

puppetserver.service (master) is running on the host but puppet.service (agent) is not.

Any suggestions?


  • If you are attempting to resolve a fact, then you would need to access the fact's value. The syntax $osfamily would instead attempt to resolve a value assigned to the variable osfamily which is undefined in your accessible scope. This can be accomplished with the following syntax:

    if $facts['os']['family'] == 'RedHat' {
      notice("A test message")

    Note the documentation also contains this as an example.