Search code examples

It is possible to create branching questions with inquirer?

const employeeQuestion = [
        type: "list",
        name: "employeeTitle",
        message: "What's the employee's title",
        choices: ["Engineer", "Intern"]


    //when role is engineer is true, ask this question
        when: input => {
            return input.role == "Engineer"
        type: "input",
        name: "github",
        message: "Enter your github username:",

    //when role is intern is true, ask this question
        when: input => {
            return input.role == "Intern"
        type: "input",
        name: "school",
        message: "What's the school you enrolled in ?",


The idea is I want to utilize inquirer's when method so the question whether to ask about the user's github or school is dependent on the answer on the employee's title. But when i run node on the command line, the question asking for github / school never appeared. I wonder if I used the method wrong or if there are other alternatives.


  • inquirer's when method is definitely the correct one for this situation!

    There are two possible reasons:

    1. You are using input.role but never defining a role value in the answers hash. You need to refer to the name value from the earlier question, in this case, input.employeeTitle.

    2. If reason 1 does not fix it, try expanding your function a bit. when needs to take in the answers hash as an input, then apply the conditional to that and explicitly return a Boolean. Ex.

           type: "input",
           name: "github",
           message: "Enter your github username:",
           when: (answers) => {
               if (answers.employeeTitle === "Engineer") {
                   return true;