For launching scripts with Start-Job
it is required to use the correct order of parameters within the array provided to -ArgumentList
Consider this script:
# $script = c:\myScripts.ps1
Param (
[String]$LogFolder = "\\$env:COMPUTERNAME\Log",
[String]$ScriptAdmin = '[email protected]'
We would like to know how it is possible to retrieve the default values set in $LogFolder
and $ScriptAdmin
My attempt where I can't seem to find it:
$scriptParameters = (Get-Command $script).Parameters.GetEnumerator() |
Where-Object { $psBuildInParameters -notContains $_.Key }
foreach ($p in $scriptParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
'Name: {0} Type: {1} Mandatory: {2} DefaultValue: x' -f $p.Value.Name, $p.Value.ParameterType, $p.Value.Attributes.Mandatory
If we have the default value we can use Start-Job
more flexible in case we want to start a job with only the mandatory parameters and say $ScriptAdmini
, but want to keep the value in $LogFolder
and not blank it out with an empty string because we need to respect the order or the arguments.
You can use Ast parsing for this:
$script = 'c:\myScripts.ps1'
# Parse the script file for objects based on Ast type
$parsed = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($script,[ref]$null,[ref]$null)
# Extract only parameter ast objects
$params = $parsed.FindAll({$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst]},$true)
$params | Foreach-Object {
$name = $_.Name.VariablePath.ToString()
$type = $_.StaticType.FullName
# Convoluted because the property values themselves present strings rather than booleans where the values are $false or false
$mandatory = [bool]($_.Attributes | where {$_.NamedArguments.ArgumentName -eq 'Mandatory'} |% {$_.NamedArguments.Argument.SafeGetValue()})
$DefaultValue = $_.DefaultValue.Value
"Name: {0} Type: {1} Mandatory: {2} DefaultValue: {3}" -f $name,$type,$mandatory,$DefaultValue
See System.Management.Automation.Language Namespace for other potential abstract syntax tree types.