I want to changed boolean state based on the value is passed
class Home extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
formElement: {
home: true,
booth: false,
summary: false
buttonClickHandler(event, nextView) { //nextView == summary
// nextView == summary then summary would be true and booth would be flase and home would flase too
Here based on nextView all state value should be reserved.
Thanks in advance..!!
considering you are receiving nextView as home/booth/summary and based on this you want to set corresponding key i.e. formElement[nextView] = true and for other keys i.e. formElement[!nextView] = false.
You can try following:
buttonClickHandler (event, nextView) {
const { formElement } = this.state;
Object.keys(formElement).forEach(key => {
formElement: {
[key]: key === nextView // here will check if the current key matches nextView
By the way I feel you might use simpler state variable, if possible. like
this.state = {
formElement: 'home'
buttonClickHandler (event, nextView) {
formElement: nextView
It is just a thought for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle.