guys! I have this situation: Given a string and two more characters X and Y. Move all X characters to the beginning of the string and all Y characters to the end of the string. The order of the other characters in the string remains unchanged. I wrote two function MoveCharsLeft and MoveCharsRight to move X to the left and Y to the right, but there is an error System.IndexOutOfRangeException: 'Index was outside the bounds of the array.' on this line of code char toReplace = splitText[charToCheck]; and I don't know how to handle it, in order to solve the exercise. Can, you guys, help me with that, how should be the functions?
static void Main()
string text = Console.ReadLine();
char[] splitText = text.ToCharArray();
string firstLetter = Console.ReadLine();
char[] firstChar = firstLetter.ToCharArray();
string secondLetter = Console.ReadLine();
char[] secondChar = secondLetter.ToCharArray();
char one = firstChar[0];
char two = secondChar[0];
Console.WriteLine(CheckChars(splitText, one, two));
static char[] CheckChars(char[] splitText, char one, char two)
for (char letter = 'a'; letter <= 'z'; letter++)
if (Array.IndexOf(splitText, one) > -1)
MoveCharsLeft(splitText, one);
if (Array.IndexOf(splitText, two) > -1)
MoveCharsRight(splitText, two);
return splitText;
static void MoveCharsLeft(char[] splitText, char charToCheck)
char toReplace = splitText[charToCheck];
char currentLetter = splitText[0];
for (int i = 0; i <= charToCheck; i++)
char temporary = splitText[i];
splitText[i] = currentLetter;
currentLetter = temporary;
splitText[0] = toReplace;
static void MoveCharsRight(char[] splitText, char charToCheck)
char toReplace = splitText[charToCheck];
char currentLetter = splitText[-1];
for (int i = 0; i <= charToCheck; i++)
char temporary = splitText[i];
splitText[i] = currentLetter;
currentLetter = temporary;
splitText[-1] = toReplace;
You're not checking your boundaries. I would say CheckChars
method is redundant and in MoveCharsLeft
and MoveCharsRight
you're not checking if you're still inside of splitText
Here's how I would implement MoveCharsLeft
, I hope it'll guide you in the right direction.
char[] MoveCharactersLeft(char[] text, char character) {
var lowerCharacter = char.ToLower(character);
var left = new List<char>();
var right = new List<char>();
foreach (var letter in text) {
if (char.ToLower(letter) == lowerCharacter) {
return left.ToArray();
And here's MoveCharactersRight
char[] MoveCharactersRight(char[] text, char character) {
var lowerCharacter = char.ToLower(character);
var left = new List<char>();
var right = new List<char>();
foreach (var letter in text) {
if (char.ToLower(letter) == lowerCharacter) {
return left.ToArray();
Now that you have both you simply call MoveCharsLeft
and then the MoveCharactersRight
on the result of MoveCharsLeft