I try to write web app using kotlin/webflux/r2dbc:postgresql But I have proplem. I can't understand why switchIfEmpty call if result of work hackerService.resetPassword not empty
@PostMapping("/reset/password/{link}", consumes = [MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE])
fun resetPassword(@PathVariable link: String, req: ResetPassword): Mono<ResponseEntity<String>> {
return userservice.resetPassword(link, req)
.map { ResponseEntity.ok("OK") }
fun resetPassword(link: String, resetPassword: ResetPassword): Mono<Void> {
BLEException.checkArgument(resetPassword.newPassword == resetPassword.checkPassword, PASSWORD_NOT_MATCH)
return resetPasswordRepository.findByLink(link)
.flatMap { updateAccount(it.userId, password = resetPassword.newPassword) }
.flatMap { resetPasswordRepository.deleteByUserId(it.id!!) }
Method updateAccount is setting new password and resetPasswordRepository.deleteByUserId drop row from table. And this method work, and I expecte not empty Mono as result of resetPassword
But finaly I have as result 404 error.
I would be glad for any help, thanks
If resetPasswordRepository
is a spring data ReactiveCrudRepository
, then the return type of all delete*()
methods is Mono<Void>
is the type of an empty Mono.
As a result, switchIsEmpty
will always be invoked as the object returned from resetPassword
is an empty Mono.