My code editor is saying something is wrong... Is it due to me writing it poorly or is an if-statement with different requests just not possible?
changeLikeCardStatus(cardId, like) {
return fetch(`${this._baseUrl}/cards/likes/${cardId}`, {
method: "PUT",
headers: this._headers
} else {
method: "DELETE",
headers: this._headers
}).then((res) =>
? res.json()
: Promise.reject(`Error! ${res.statusText}`).catch((err) =>
Instead of using conditions inside fetch, apply condition before the return statement, and find the needed method and use that method in fetch. In the below code I have added a statement to get the method name using ternary condition. Please modify it according to the language, and try if it is working
changeLikeCardStatus(cardId, like) {
methodName = like?"PUT":"DELETE";
return fetch(`${this._baseUrl}/cards/likes/${cardId}`, {
method: methodName,
headers: this._headers
}).then((res) =>
? res.json()
: Promise.reject(`Error! ${res.statusText}`).catch((err) =>