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Excel formula: To sum the same cell values from multiple sheets with names as dates

Is there a way to sum all the values of the same cell of multiple sheets (tab) which the name of each tab is date, and show the summed value in the MasterSheet?

For example:

enter image description here

Currently, I use this formula =SUM(INDIRECT("'*-"&MONTH(C2)&"-2020'!$E$3")) in the cell under the "Oct-2020" cell, as shown in the figure below, and I will do the same for Nov-20 and Dec-20.

enter image description here

As you can see, I am getting this "#REF!" error. Currently, I have two tabs that I am trying to get the "$E$3" cell values from, "13-10-2020" and "14-10-2020". However, if I only have one sheet (let's say "14-10-2020" only), I am able to get the value.

Does anyone know what is going on with my formula? Why it works when there is only one sheet (tab) to read from, but does not work when there are multiple sheets (tabs), even I used "*" to include all dates.

Please advice. Thank you in advanced


  • I think this should solve your problem:

    Option Explicit
    Sub sub_sum_up_months()
        Dim wks As Worksheet
        Dim nr_month As Integer, nr_year As Integer
        Dim str_month As String, str_year As String
        Dim c As Integer
        Dim my_Sum As Double
        For c = 3 To 5 ' Iterating over the columns "C" to "E"
            my_Sum = 0
            nr_month = month(Worksheets("MasterSheet").Cells(2, c).Value)
            If nr_month < 10 Then
                str_month = "0" & nr_month
                str_month = CStr(nr_month)
            End If
            nr_year = Year(Worksheets("MasterSheet").Cells(2, c).Value)
            str_year = CStr(nr_year)
            For Each wks In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
                If Right(wks.Name, 4) = str_year And Left(Right(wks.Name, 7), 2) = str_month Then
                    my_Sum = my_Sum + wks.Cells(3, 5) 'cells(3,5) is "E3"
                End If
            Next wks
            Worksheets("MasterSheet").Cells(3, c).Value = my_Sum
        Next c
    End Sub