please after previewing i cant seem to get my choosed files in preview to be sent via the FILES header in php once i submit the form generally ...
this is the html
<div class="col-md-7">
<div class="md-form p-2 border rounded">
<input type="file" name="images[]" id="more_images" class="my-pond-multiple" />
<label for="files" class="active bg-white ml-2">Other Files</label>
and the me calling the file pond jquery object
allowMultiple: true
any help will be appreciated please
The FilePond files are not stored in the file input element, browsers don't allow setting this value (see:
You can either upload the files asynchronously by setting the FilePond server
property. Or you can use the FilePond file-encode plugin, which will encode the files as base64 strings and send those to your server, you then have to turn the strings back into file objects.