I want to generate recurring events for use with the ice_cube gem from javascript. I'm trying to use http://sourceforge.net/projects/yaml-javascript/ to dump a javascript object to yaml. I'm not quite getting the results I want though. I'm not sure if this is because of a flaw in the library or because I'm doing something wrong.
Here's my code:
<script src='yaml_dumper.js'> </script>
yaml_object = new YAML();
Here's what I want:
:rule_type: IceCube::YearlyRule
:interval: 1
- 6
- 3
Here's what I'm getting:
--- #YAML:1.0
':count': ''
':interval': 1
':rule_type': IceCube::YearlyRule
':until': ''
- 6
The day_of_week parm in particular is missing. Any suggestions?
Seems like it was an issue with the lib. I switched to using this YAML dumper: https://github.com/ingydotnet/yaml-oscon2009-talk/blob/e54dd6a1650c3e80e784f3ada8f59c1b7157fb94/Sample/YAML.js like so: console.log(YAML.dump(obj))
and got the results I was looking for.