express-validator, how do I make a field required only when another field exists?
const validateUpdateStore = () => {
return [
body('logo').optional().isURL().withMessage('invalid url'),
.withMessage('email is invalid')
body('phone').optional().isInt().withMessage('integers only!'),
body('account_number').optional().isInt().withMessage('integers only!'),
body('bank_code').optional().isInt().withMessage('integers only!'),
I'd like to make the field bank_code
required only when account_number
is provided and vise-versa
Version 6.1.0 of express-validator added support for conditional validators. I do not currently see it in the documentation but there is a pull request with more information. It looks like you should be able to define your validation as follows:
const validateUpdateStore = () => {
return [
body('logo').optional().isURL().withMessage('invalid url'),
.withMessage('email is invalid')
body('phone').optional().isInt().withMessage('integers only!'),
.if(body('bank_code').exists()) // if bank code provided
.not().empty() // then account number is also required
.isInt() // along with the rest of the validation
.withMessage('integers only!')
.if(body('account_number').exists()) // if account number provided
.not().empty() // then bank code is also required
.isInt() // along with the rest of the validation
.withMessage('integers only!')