In most of the integration tests I'm using spring-boot-test(2.1.9.RELEASE) and spring-cloud-contract-wiremock(2.0.2.RELEASE). The test is starting up WireMock server based on : @AutoConfigureWireMock(port = 0), so I'm not using any WireMockRule or other configuration set-up.
Sometime the verifying is failing with a really weird error:
com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.VerificationException:` com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.VerificationException: com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.VerificationException: No requests exactly matched. Most similar request was: expected:< POST /api/id/delete
but was:< POST /api/id/delete
As you can see above the expected endpoint is exactly the same with the actual invocation.
Do you have any ideas ? or Have you seen that before ? There is an open issue here: , but the responses are not very helpful.
So after months of randomly failing builds, it seems that the only solution was to wait until the stubs got registered. So the new verify wrapper method looks like this:
public static void verify(int count, RequestPatternBuilder requestPatternBuilder) {
int maxRetries = 5;
while (count != WireMock.findAll(requestPatternBuilder)
.size() && maxRetries > 0) {
WireMock.verify(count, requestPatternBuilder);
And the callers used it like this:
WireMockHelper.verify(1, putRequestedFor(urlMatching((URL.BASE_URL.ACTION).replace("%s", ".*"))));
Finally now we can rely on our IT build pipeline. Wish you all only green builds :)