What I want to do: I want to get the className with the highest probability from the TensorFlow.js image classification with mobileNet. I want to get the className as a String.
Problem: I have no clue how to isolate the className as a String. Is there a command for this? or do you have any idea how I can solve my problem?
My code:
async function theAi() {
const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs'),
mobilenet = require('@tensorflow-models/mobilenet'),
tfnode = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node'),
fs = require('fs-extra');
const imageBuffer = await fs.readFile("./jesus.jpg"),
tfimage = tfnode.node.decodeImage(imageBuffer),
mobilenetModel = await mobilenet.load();
const results = await mobilenetModel.classify(tfimage);
And the output:
className: 'chain mail, ring mail, mail, chain armor, chain armour, ring armor, ring armour',
probability: 0.5979475378990173
{ className: 'vestment', probability: 0.14261281490325928 },
{ className: 'fountain', probability: 0.03441018983721733 }
So in this case I would want to get the String ('chain mail, ring mail, mail, chain armor, chain armour, ring armor, ring armour').
This is a pure javascript question. If you get this result, you can just search for m aximum:
const maxClass = result.reduce(function(prev, current) {
return (prev.probability > current.probability) ? prev : current;