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Rewriting path prefixes on file open or in compile-mode next-error

I want any paths under t/... to be rewritten to n/... instead, for find-file in general (or just as initiated by next-error). I want it to be impossible for me to open the t/... version.

Motivation: I've been rsyncing a codebase from NFS (where I edit) to /tmp, so my build is faster (bjam, which is quite slow). I want to force emacs to open the NFS version instead of the /tmp version ALWAYS. I imagine there's some kind of find-file hook that may be able to do this. Any suggestions? Tramp probably doesn't do this.

I'd be just as happy to have my compile buffer paths rewritten instead.


  • For the compilation, you can use the variable compilation-finish-functions, with something like this:

    (add-hook 'compilation-finish-functions 'my-change-tmp-to-nfs)
    (defun my-change-tmp-to-nfs (buffer &optional stat)
      "change tmp to nfs"
      (interactive "b")
        (set-buffer buffer)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
          (while (re-search-forward "/tmp/" nil t)
            (replace-match "/nfs/")))))

    Now, you'll probably need to update the regex for the "/tmp/", and the replacement. Read up on Regexp Search. You could also get fancy and actually check to see that the path you created with the substitution actually exists...