I have a url which download the large size zip file.It returns the response as stream.though file size is large first it returns 200(HTTPSTATUK.OK) and continues download.
I have to implement a new spring controller which call the above url through rest template.I have to read the response returned by rest template and pass to controller.initially I have implemented in below way
public ResponseEntity<byte[]> downloadData(Model model,
@ModelAttribute(EXCEPTION_COLLECTOR) ExceptionCollector exceptionCollector,
@RequestParam("userName") String userName,
@RequestParam("startDate") Date startDate,
@RequestParam("endDate") Date endDate,
@RequestParam("reason") String reason) {
URI uri = /building url here/;
return restTemplate.exchange(uri, HttpMethod.GET, new HttpEntity<>(httpHeaders), byte[].class);
since I am using ResponseEntity<byte[]> , rest template waits till entire file loaded into memory.so very frequently I am getting socket timeout issue.
Do we have way to read the response as stream and return to controller.
I found few things about restTemplate.execute .
restTemplate.execute(uri,HttpMethod.GET,requestCallBack,clientHttpResponse -> {
File ret = File.createTempFile("download", ".zip",new File("/Users/bokkavijay/Desktop"));
StreamUtils.copy(clientHttpResponse.getBody(), new FileOutputStream(ret));
return ret;
above snippet can copy the file to our local with out time out but this is not what I need.
how can we pipe the stream in clientHttpResponse to controller ?
I found the working implementation
public ResponseEntity<StreamingResponseBody> downloadAsStream(Model model,HttpServletResponse response) {
HttpHeaders httpHeaders=new HttpHeaders();
httpHeaders.add("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=sample.zip");
ServletOutputStream servletOutputStream=response.getOutputStream();
StreamingResponseBody downloadFile = out -> {
RequestCallback requestCallBack=request->{
request.getHeaders().add(//Add headers here);
ResponseExtractor<ServletOutputStream> responseExtractor = clientHttpResponse -> {
//code snippet if you want to write response stream to HttpServletResponse
byte[] buff = new byte[800000];
int bytesRead = 0;
while ((bytesRead = clientHttpResponse.getBody().read(buff)) != -1) {
servletOutputStream.write(buff, 0, bytesRead);
return servletOutputStream;
//Incase if you want to copy file to you local
File ret = File.createTempFile("download", ".zip",new File("Add Local system directory address here"));
StreamUtils.copy(clientHttpResponse.getBody(), new FileOutputStream(ret));
//You can copy the the clientHttpResponse.getBody() to ByteArrayInputStream and return
// Don't return clientHttpResponse.getBody() directly because rest template will close the inputStream(clientHttpResponse.getBody()) after .execute completed
//if you want to write restTemplate.execute in dao layer , pass servletOutputStream as a argument to method
return new ResponseEntity(downloadFile,httpHeaders,HttpStatus.OK);
If you write the response directly to HttpServletResponse , controller download the file when we access in browser