I'm wondering is it possible to put parameters in method when I use testng.xml. I know about put parameteres in test class. I use page object model approach. Here is my code
<suite name="dev-parametrization" verbose="1" >
<test name="Paragraphs-Tests">
<class name="com.java.tests.ParagraphsApiControllerTests">
<include name="createParagraph">
<parameter name="paragraphsURL" value=""/>
Below test class
public class ParagraphsApiControllerTests {
Paragraphs paragraphs = new Paragraphs();
@Test(priority = 1)
public void createParagraph() {
And my method - here I want to use parameter from xml. file. Is it possible? How can I do this?
public class Paragraphs {
String paragraphsURL = "";
String apiParagraphsURL = "";
public void createParagraph() {
RestAssured.baseURI = paragraphsURL;
Don't use the same method name in test class and in Paragraph
class. I changed the test class method name from createParagraph
to testCreateParagraph
<suite name="dev-parametrization" verbose="1" >
<test name="Paragraphs-Tests">
<class name="com.java.tests.ParagraphsApiControllerTests">
<include name="testCreateParagraph">
<parameter name="paragraphsURL" value=""/>
Test class
public class ParagraphsApiControllerTests {
Paragraphs paragraphs = new Paragraphs();
@Test(priority = 1)
public void testCreateParagraph(String paragraphsURL) {
Paragraph class
public class Paragraphs {
public void createParagraph(String paragraphsURL) {
RestAssured.baseURI = paragraphsURL;
Refer this tutorial for more information