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How to use a Kotlin coroutine to call a blocking function?

I would like to use Kotlin coroutines to call blocking functions.

For example, I would like to have a suspend function that would "block" until the user responds to a modal dialog, or until a network call returns, when the dialog and network libraries don't provide suspend functions.

I implemented it using a Mutex.

For example, for the blocking network call scenario, I did something like this:

class Connection {
    private val mutex = Mutex()
    public suspend fun receive(): ByteArray {

        val buf = ByteArray(42)
        thread {
            sock.getInputStream().read(buf, 0, 42) // blocking


        return buf

It works.

Please ignore networking-related issues in the above code (like error handling, checking the number of bytes actually read, etc.).

Please also ignore performance aspects of using a thread (the dedicated thread above is just for the sake of example).

From the perspective of using a Mutex to "convert" a blocking flow to a coroutines flow:

  1. Is there a standard or a better way to do this?
  2. Aside for networking or performance - do you see any downsides to my approach?


  • You can just do:

    suspend fun receive(): ByteArray {
        return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
            val buf = ByteArray(42)
            sock.getInputStream().read(buf, 0, 42) // blocking

    call it from your Activity as:

        withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
            val result = receive()

    the receive function will run in the IO dispatcher which is designed for offloading blocking IO tasks to a shared pool of threads see more about dispatchers here.