The tracking Id of face detection is keeping change while the face is not moving, I use ML Kit in ios and I followed the documentation of google.
The documentation:
Here is my code :
func captureOutput( _ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
self.detectFaceMLKit(image: sampleBuffer)
private func detectFaceMLKit(image: CMSampleBuffer) {
let image = VisionImage(buffer: image)
image.orientation = imageOrientation(
deviceOrientation: UIDevice.current.orientation,
cameraPosition: cameraPosition)
faceDetector?.process(image) { [self] faces, error in
guard error == nil, let faces = faces, !faces.isEmpty else {
//TODO : show error
// Faces detected
if faces.count == 1 {
let face = faces[0]
let frame = face.frame
var rotX : CGFloat = 0
var rotY : CGFloat = 0
var faceTrackingId = 0
if face.hasHeadEulerAngleX {
rotX = face.headEulerAngleX // Head is rotated to the uptoward rotX degrees
print("rotx: \(rotX)")
if face.hasHeadEulerAngleY {
rotY = face.headEulerAngleY // Head is rotated to the right rotY degrees
print("rotY: \(rotY)")
// If face tracking was enabled:
if face.hasTrackingID {
faceTrackingId = face.trackingID
print("trackingId: \(faceTrackingId)")
func imageOrientation(
deviceOrientation: UIDeviceOrientation,
cameraPosition: AVCaptureDevice.Position
) -> UIImage.Orientation {
switch deviceOrientation {
case .portrait:
return cameraPosition == .front ? .leftMirrored : .right
case .landscapeLeft:
return cameraPosition == .front ? .downMirrored : .up
case .portraitUpsideDown:
return cameraPosition == .front ? .rightMirrored : .left
case .landscapeRight:
return cameraPosition == .front ? .upMirrored : .down
case .faceDown, .faceUp, .unknown:
return .up
Note: the tracking id works fine at the beginning but after around the id "10" it loses the face tracking and starts to give a multi id for the same face without moving the face in the camera.
An output sample after filtering the tracking id :
trackingId: 21 trackingId: 21 trackingId: 21 trackingId: 21 trackingId: 21 trackingId: 21 trackingId: 22 trackingId: 22 trackingId: 22 trackingId: 22 trackingId: 22 trackingId: 23 trackingId: 23 trackingId: 23 trackingId: 23 trackingId: 23 trackingId: 24 trackingId: 24 trackingId: 24 trackingId: 24 trackingId: 24
The problem was the imageOrientation, I set the orientation to portrait only in Xcode but rotating the image-based on UIDeviceOrientation which is wrong, fixing it by setting the imageOrientation to be fixed at .up position.
Edit : Also, make sure you don't override the output image orientation like this:
private let videoDataOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
guard let connection = self.videoDataOutput.connection(with:,
connection.isVideoOrientationSupported else { return }
connection.videoOrientation = .portrait