How do I set focus on the last added inputfield?
I found a few examples at the www, but all with class-component, not hook.
I did try useref, but I cant make it work.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
const About = () => {
const [list, setList] = useState([
{ id: 1, txt: 'text 1' },
{ id: 2, txt: 'text 2' }
return (
<div className="about">
{ => (
<input key={} type="text" defaultValue={elm.txt} />
<button value="ADD" onClick={e => {
setList(oldList => ([
...oldList, { id: 3, txt: 'text 3', active: true }
</div >
export default About;
Callback seems to do it.
import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
const About = () => {
const [list, setList] = useState([
{ id: 1, txt: 'text 1' },
{ id: 2, txt: 'text 2' }
const callbackRef = useCallback(inputElement => {
if (inputElement) {
}, []);
return (
<div className="about">
{ => ( ? <input key={} type="text" defaultValue={elm.txt} ref={callbackRef} />
: <input key={} type="text" defaultValue={elm.txt} />
<button value="ADD" onClick={e => {
setList(oldList => ([
...oldList, { id: 3, txt: 'text 3', active: true }
</div >
export default About;