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How to derive an AES 256 bit key from an arbitary byte array it Java?

Given an arbitrary Java byte array for example 1024 byte array I would like to derive an AES-256 bit key. The array is generated from ECHD via javax.crypto.KeyAgreement using byte[] secret = keyAgreement.generateSecret()

My current solution is to treat the input byte array as a password. Use the PBKDF2 key derivation function the input array as both the password and the salt as shown below.

UPDATE: I have set UTF-8 as the encoding to address issues pointed out in comments and answers.

private byte[] deriveAes256bitKey(byte[] secret)
    throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {

    var secretKeyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256");
    var password = new String(secret, UTF_8).toCharArray();
    var keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(password, secret, 1024, 256);
    return secretKeyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec).getEncoded();

Is there a better way to take a byte array in Java and turn it into an AES-256 bit key?


  • What is required here is a KBKDF or Key Based Key Derivation Function. A KBKDF converts a secret value that contains enough entropy into a different key of a specific size. A PBKDF is used when you have a passphrase with potentially too little entropy into a key using key strenghtening (using the salt and work factor or iteration count). The work factor / iteration count doesn't need to be used if the input value is already strong enough not to be guessed / brute forced.

    SHA-256 in general suffices if you only want a resulting 128 bit value. However, using a key derivation function may still offer benefits. First of all, it is a function that is explicitly defined for the function, so it is easier to prove that it is secure. Furthermore, it is generally possible to add additional data to the key derivation function so that you can e.g. derive more keys or a key and an IV. Or you can expand the configurable output size to output enough data for different keys or key / IV.

    That said, most cryptographers won't frown too much if you use SHA-256 (or SHA-512 in case you require more bits for key / IV). The output is still supposed to be randomized using all possible bits from the input, and it is impossible to inverse the function.