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Getting Error -1073741819 (0xC0000005) - Using matrix after a specific number

So my task is to write a program that simulates covid-19 sickness chances. It's a University task, not a job.

I've tried to comment my code to be readable for anyone.

My main problem is, when I change the value of L to a number higher than 80 for example, I'll get error code: -1073741819 (0xC0000005).

The expected number by the teacher would be 150, so a matrix of 150*150 = 22500

Basically what the code does: It finds a random row and column = random person, and checks if he is sensitive to the virus (number=0) or if he is already sick (number=1)..

If he is sensitive, we generate a random number and we compare that to the number of Gamma, or Beta, depends if we want to heal him, or get him sick.

For my reviews on stackoverflow, I found out that I might have to make it a dynamic matrix, but I have no idea how to do that, since when I trited to change it to something like:

int *nepesseg= (int *)malloc(L*L* sizeof(int));

I just got more errors, since I don't know how to refer to the matrix's elements anymore, etc.

I'm currently using Code::Blocks + GNU GCC Compiler.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>

#define L 70 // IF THIS NUMBER IS MORE, LIKE 100, I GET "-1073741819 (0xC0000005)" Error code

int main()

    int day=365, randomPersonRow=0,randomPersonColumn=0;
    double beta=0.7,gamma=0.1,odds=0.0; //Gamma = healing chance, Beta = chance for getting sick
    int SensitiveCount,SickCount,HealedCount;

    int population[L][L];


    int i,j,v,u;

    for(i=0; i<L; i++) {
      for(j=0;j<L;j++) {
    population[randomPersonRow][randomPersonColumn]=1; //first sick person - generated random

    FILE *fp;
        fp = fopen("result.dat", "w");

    for(v=1; v<=day; v++){ //365 days
        for(u=0;u<=L*L;u++){ //1 day
            randomPersonRow=(rand()%L); //Find a random person to see if he is sick or not
            randomPersonColumn=(rand()%L); //Find a random person to see if he is sick or not
            //for(i=0; i<L; i++) {
              //for(j=0;j<L;j++) {
                if(population[randomPersonRow][randomPersonColumn]==0){ //0 means he is Sensitive, and not sick or healed yet

                    if(population[randomPersonRow+1][randomPersonColumn]==1){ // If he meets a sick person in his "matrix" - 4 chance(up, down, left, right)
                        odds=((double) rand() / (RAND_MAX));
                            population[randomPersonRow][randomPersonColumn]=1; // He is getting sick, if he has been in contact with a sick person
                    else if(population[randomPersonRow][randomPersonColumn+1]==1){
                        odds=((double) rand() / (RAND_MAX));
                            population[randomPersonRow][randomPersonColumn]=1; // He is getting sick, if he has been in contact with a sick person
                    else if(population[randomPersonRow-1][randomPersonColumn]==1){
                        odds=((double) rand() / (RAND_MAX));
                            population[randomPersonRow][randomPersonColumn]=1; // He is getting sick, if he has been in contact with a sick person
                    else if(population[randomPersonRow][randomPersonColumn-1]==1){
                        odds=((double) rand() / (RAND_MAX));
                            population[randomPersonRow][randomPersonColumn]=1; // He is getting sick, if he has been in contact with a sick person

                if(population[randomPersonRow][randomPersonColumn]==1){ // 1 = If the random person is sick

                    odds=((double) rand() / (RAND_MAX));
                        population[randomPersonRow][randomPersonColumn]=2; // He is healed now, if the odds are less then the random gamma value.

                fprintf(fp,"%d; %d; %d; %d; \n",v,SensitiveCount,SickCount,HealedCount); // writing to file

    return 0;


  • The exception 0xC0000005 is related to a memory violation on MS-WIN systems, which I think you're using.

    About the code I don't see any formal error. Anyway it is not a good idea to allocate large array as automatic variables, move the declaration outside of main function, or prefix it with static modifier as in static int population[L][L];.

    In any case it is really strange to trigger a memory exception with L up to 500 on my system with 1MB of allocated stack space.

    The problem can come from the compiler you're using that allocates too small stack space.