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How can I analyse multiple choice questions in R?

I have a CSV from an online survey including numerical, single choice and multiple choice questions. The multiple choice questions are represented like this:

│  A  │  B  │ C  │  D  │
│ "Y" │ NA  │ NA │ NA  │
│ NA  │ "Y" │ NA │ "Y" │
│ NA  │ NA  │ NA │ NA  │
│ "Y" │ "Y" │ NA │ NA  │

So an answer is either the character "Y" or null.

Now my question is if there is a solution which lets me easily make a histogram or something similar to visualize the frequency of each answer and use it in statistical testing in R.

Sorry if this is trivial but I don't have the experience and couldn't dig something up yet.


  • If your csv is read in as a dataframe, df then:

    df2 <- !
    nrows <- nrow(df2)
    yes <- apply(df2, 2, sum)
    percentyes <- 100 * yes / nrows
    percentno = 100 - percentyes