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Template specialization with Parameter Packs

I'm quite new to c++ but wanted to try to do some fancy template stuff. I am not sure if it is possible, but I am fairly confident there is a way to achieve that.

So here's the Issue: I am calling various Hardware function, which requires a number of parameters and only differ by one parameter type:

int Read(HANDLE handle, int location, char* Name, int startindex1, int endindex1,
         int startindex2, int endindex2, int* rval, Astruct* callback) ;
int Read(HANDLE handle, int location, char* Name, int startindex1, int endindex1,
         int startindex2, int endindex2, double* rval, Astruct* callback) ;

The Hardware Interface returns a scalar, array or matrix, depending on the values of the indexes. What i actually want to achieve, is a function, which returns an T or vector<T> or vector<vector<T>> dependening on the number of parameters I pass.:

                T MyReadFunction<T>(HANDLE handle, int location, char* Name,int index)
        vector<T> MyReadFunction<T>(HANDLE handle, int location, char* Name,int startindex1,
                                                                            int endindex1   )
vector<vector<T>> MyReadFunction<T>(HANDLE handle, int location, char* Name,int startindex1, 
                                                                            int endindex1
                                                                            int startindex2, 
                                                                            int endindex2)

where T is a basic type like int, real, float, double,etc.

Using 3 different templates with specializations is no issue, but I would love to combine it somehow.

My assumption is, that this can be achieve using template specializations, but I cant get my head around it. I think i should something like this:

template<typename T ,int... Indexes>
T MyReadFunction (HANDLE handle, int location, char* Name, Indexes... myIndex){}

int MyReadFunction (HANDLE handle, int location, char* Name, int myindex)
    int rval = 0; 
    Read (handle,location,name,myindex,myindey,0,0,&rval, NULL) ;
    return rval;

This comes as a two headed beast. I porperbly need to implement my 3 cases explicitly to avoid misusage, but also want to know, how i could achieve template specialization with variying size of the parameter pack, depending on the size of the pack.

I'am using msvc++ latest with VS 2019


  • You can write a type that creates a nested vector of the desired rank, like this:

    template<typename T,int N> 
    struct VT 
        using type = typename std::vector<typename VT<T, N - 1>::type>;
    template<typename T> 
    struct VT<T, 0> 
        using type = int;

    and then write a single function like this:

    template<typename T ,typename ...Indexes>
    typename VT<T, sizeof...(Indexes) / 2>::type 
      MyReadFunction (int handle, int location, char* Name, Indexes... myIndex) {}

    Here's a demo.

    As you've observed, there's not really much point in doing this, because the body of the function would become rather tricky to implement. Simply writing specializations, or overloads, would be a simpler solution.

    Note that if you do choose the write this function template, the myIndex parameter pack is unconstrained, i.e. it will accept types other than int. Of course, you can constrain that by writing just a little more code.

    Also, this function template will accept Indexes of size 3, 5, 7, etc, which is likely not what you want. Again, you can constrain that as well by writing a little more code.