I'm trying to create a ChoicePrompt
for my chatbot, but for some reason I can't import the PromptOptions
interface. When I try including it in the botbuilder-dialogs
const { DialogSet, WaterfallDialog, ChoicePrompt, WaterfallStepContext, PromptOptions } = require('botbuilder-dialogs');
VS Code doesn't recognize it as being part of the package, and try using it when creating the prompt in the WaterfallStepContext
async (step = new WaterfallStepContext()) => {
const semOptions = ["Fall", "Winter", "Summer"];
options = new PromptOptions({
prompt: `What semester are you currently in, ${this.name}?`,
choices: semOptions
return await step.prompt("semPrompt", options);
I get a unhandled error:
TypeError: PromptOptions is not a constructor
I reinstalled the latest version botbuilder-dialog
package several times but to no avail. Can anyone offer any insight as to what I may be doing wrong?
PromptOptions, is an interface with configurable options you pass in the prompt. You don't need to 'construct' it via new PromptOptions.
Wrt you question you could do something like:
Add 'ChoiceFactory' utilities
const { WaterfallDialog, ChoiceFactory, ChoiceFactory, ConfirmPrompt, TextPrompt } = require('botbuilder-dialogs');
In your dialogs constructor you add the prompt and add it to the dialogSet:
this.addDialog(new ChoicePrompt(CHOICE_PROMPT_NAME));
In your dialogstep you call the prompt and pass the options
async Step(stepContext) {
const SEMOPTIONS = ['Fall', 'Winter', 'Summer'];
return await stepContext.prompt(CHOICE_PROMPT_NAME, {
prompt: `What semester are you currently in, ${this.name}?`,
retryPrompt: 'Please select one of the options',
choices: ChoiceFactory.toChoices(SEMOPTIONS),
style: 5
Btw: It seems you are using C# / Python classes in your Javascript code. The SDK documentation for JS is located here: