I have tried the following:
set timeout -1
spawn $env(SHELL)
match_max 100000
send -- "ssh somewhere@addr"
expect "*"
for { set i 0 } { $i < [array size env] } { incr i } {
send -- "echo env($i) = $env($i)"
expect "*"
send -- "env > foo\r"
expect "*"
send -- "^D"
expect eof
The above fails with the following error:
no such variable
(read trace on "::env(0)")
invoked from within
"send -- "echo env($i) = env($i)""
("for" body line 2)
invoked from within
"for { set i 0 } { $i < [array size env] } { incr i } {
send -- "$::env($i)"
expect "*"
(file "./script.exp" line 52)
I'll get around system issues by re-sourcing the rc
files; I merely want to transport an unknown collection of vars (relative to the script) set by me to the remote execution environment.
Is this possible, I am unfamiliar with TCL (total beginner)?
Tcl arrays are more like a dictionary of keys and values than a list indexed by number. You can get the list of keys with [array names env]
and traverse them with foreach
foreach n [array names env] {
send -- "echo env($n) = $env($n)\r"
expect "\n"