Using Vuelidate, since 'required' validator now considers boolean 'false' a valid value, you have to use 'sameAs' like sameAs: sameAs( () => true )
to implement required validation for checkboxes. How to implement 'requiredUnless' validation for checkboxes using vuelidate where checkbox is only required to be checked if a property is not a certain value?
false is validate as valid so you need to change it to an empty string, I'll do this in watch:
data() {
return {
email: '',
age: null,
password: '',
confirmPassword: '',
country: 'Malta',
hobbyInputs: [],
terms: '',
validations: {
terms: {
required: requiredUnless(vm => {
return === 'Malta'
watch: {
terms() {
if (!this.terms) {
this.terms = '';